One of the greatest joys of playing the latest Call of Duty installment, Modern Warfare 2, lies in experiencing its revered Spec Ops missions. This exciting aspect of the MWII encompasses looking for numerous intel fragments that players must piece together to gain clarity and complete various objects.
However, all 50 intel fragments in Modern Warfare II are very well-hidden. Hence, you may find it challenging to get your hands on them.
You can find intel fragments in three Spec Ops missions in Modern Warfare II: Low Profile, Denied Area, and Defender Mt. Zaya. There are a total of 50 intel pieces distributed throughout the missions. Specifically, ten intel are in Low Profile, 20 in Denied Area, and the remaining 10 in Defender Mt. Zaya.
In this guide, you’ll learn where to find all 50 intel in Modern Warfare II and how to unlock the rewards associated with finding them.
How to find all intel fragments in the Low Profile Spec Ops mission in Modern Warfare II?
To find all 20 intel fragments in the Low Profile Spec Ops mission in Modern Warfare II, you must search unambiguous rooftops and buildings. These locations are primarily nearby the Exfiltration Site, Site A, Site B, and Site C.
Below are the locations of all 20 intel fragments in the Low Profile mission in Modern Warfare II.
Intel Fragment #1

- Head to Site C in the Modern Warfare II map
- Go to the northeastern building and enter the ground floor
- The first intel fragment is on the wooden countertop in the kitchen area
Intel Fragment #2

- Go to the above floor of the same building where you found the first intel fragment
- Enter the room on your right
- The USB plugged in on the laptop on the desk is the second intel fragment
Intel Fragment #3

- Again, head to the second floor in the same building where you found the first two intel fragments.
- Go to the second room on your right
- Grab the key kept on the desk behind the room
- Use the key to interact with the audio equipment in the left corner of the room to obtain the third intel fragment.
Intel Fragment #4

- Leave the building from the balcony on the second floor and head to the north-western building
- Access the building from the entrance on the left and look for a laptop on the desk
- The fourth intel fragment is the USB plugged in on that laptop
Intel Fragment #5

- In the same building containing the fourth intel fragment, locate and go to the center of the ground floor
- On the desk in the middle of the hall, you will find the fifth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #6

- Navigate to the first floor of the building containing the fourth and fifth intel fragments
- You’ll find a desk on the right side of the staircase
- Behind the laptop and bundle of papers placed on the task, you’ll come across the sixth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #7

- Exit from the left window on the second floor of the same building and head to the north-western building
- Enter the building through the door in front of you and look for a desk key in the first room
- Utilize the key to unlock the drawer in the desk placed on the left of the entrance
- The seventh intel fragment is inside the drawer
Intel Fragment #8

- Go to the building on the southwest of Site A
- Climb the ladder behind the building to reach the roof
- The crate on the roof is the eighth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #9

- Use your parachute to jump off the northeastern end of the same building
- Enter the two-story building next to the water tower in front of you
- Disarm all the traps, head to the ground floor, and go to the room on your left
- Look for a desk with a couple of crates on it
- The ninth intel fragment is next to the farthest crate
Intel Fragment #10

- Head to the room on the right on the ground floor of the same building
- Turn into the corner on your right
- The hard drive placed above the stacked boxes is the tenth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #11

- Navigate to the first floor of the same building
- Head to the farthest room on your right
- The eleventh intel fragment is on the table positioned in the middle of the room
Intel Fragment #12

- Go to the building near Site B (as shown in the above map)
- Considering Site B as the north pole of a virtual compass, head to the south-eastern building on the right of a giant archway.
- Climb up to the roof with the help of a ladder beside the building
- Hop on to the adjacent building to get your hands on the twelfth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #13

- Now, look for a building in the southeast direction
- Enter it through the large entrance and look for a desk on your right
- The thirteenth intel fragment is on the desk with a radio on it
Intel Fragment #14

- Move past the same desk and exit through the back door
- Turn left and use the ladder to climb onto the roof
- The box next to the central construction wall is the fourteenth intel fragment.
Intel Fragment #15

- Head to the location marked in the above map near the Exfiltration Site
- Sitting next to the long wall in front of the Exfiltration Site is the fifteenth intel fragment in the form of a box.
Intel Fragment #16

- Navigate to the bridge on the left of Site C
- Hop on to the carrier of the huge yellow truck parked on the bridge
- The crate in the back of the truck is the sixteenth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #17

- In the middle of the Modern Warfare 2 map is an island
- Head to the river on the right of the island
- Swim into the shallow opening and dive into the water
- Keep diving deeper until you come across a wooden arch
- The crate next to the arch is the seventeenth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #18

- Navigate to the right of the same island and dive into the water near the large rock
- Directly under your body is the eighteenth intel fragment in the form of a crate
Intel Fragment #19

- Head to the building marked in the above map and climb onto its roof
- Jump onto the adjacent building and climb up the ladder next to you
- Run over a couple of ladders extending from the other building
- Behind the roof’s cylindrical structure on the left is the nineteenth intel fragment crate.
Intel Fragment #20

- Navigate to the tower on the northeastern end of the Modern Warfare 2 map (as marked on the above map)
- Climb up to the top of the tower
- Use your parachute to jump off to the location marked on the above map
- The crate on that roof is the final intel fragment in the Low Profile Spec Ops mission
How to find all intel fragments in the Denied Area Spec Ops mission in Modern Warfare II?
To find all 20 intel fragments in the Denied Area Spec Ops mission in Modern Warfare II, you must search outdoor constructions and buildings. These locations are primarily located nearby the S.A.M Site A, S.A.M Site B, S.A.M Site C, and S.A.M Site D.
Below are the locations of all 20 intel fragments in the Denied Area mission in Modern Warfare II.
Intel Fragment #1

- Navigate to the outskirts of S.A.M Site A and keep your Geiger Counter handy
- Head in the direction that displays the highest Geiger Counter readings (preferably 9)
- It’ll lead you to the first intel fragment
Intel Fragment #2

- Head south from the point of collection of the first intel fragment and enter the open structure in front of S.A.M Site A
- Look for a wooden chair on the left of the open structure
- The second intel fragment is placed on the small wooden chair
Intel Fragment #3

- Go to tent-like construction on the west of S.A.M Site A
- The third intel fragment is on a desk beside an audio equipment
Intel Fragment #4

- Navigate to the location marked on the above map (after S.A.M Site A and before the series of next S.A.M Sites)
- Enter the building via the double door and head down the hall
- Turn right, move down the corridor, and turn right again into an open room
- In the room is a table containing a folder, which is the fourth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #5

- Move to the building withstanding a tall tower on top of it (marked in the above map)
- Navigate to the left side of the building and enter it via the window
- Head down the wave of rooms until you enter a large room loaded with beds
- Look for a table between the farthest room on the left and the table on its right
- The folder on the table is the fifth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #6

- Enter the same building from the front entrance
- Use the ladder on the right of the double doors to climb up the tower
- Go into the tower through the red door and climb to the very top
- The folder kept on the half wall made up of substantial red bricks is the sixth intel fragment.
Intel Fragment #7

- Go to the building marked in the above map
- Head past the ammunition store on the right and get into the building from the entrance on the right
- Rush down the hallway and turn right immediately when you notice the doors and construction hats
- Again, rush down this corridor and turn left to enter another hallway
- Take the staircase at the end of the hallway and go to the first floor
- Then, turn right and enter the room in front of you
- The seventh intel fragment is on a vast metallic chest with drawers
Intel Fragment #8

- Navigate to the building marked in the above map
- Take the stairs on the left side of the building to reach the first roof
- Enter the room below the staircase to the second roof
- Inside the room is a table with a TV on it
- The eighth intel fragment is on the table next to the TV
Intel Fragment #9

- Head into the building marked on the above map
- Use the door on the right of the building to get into the ground floor
- Use the staircase on your immediate left to go to the second floor
- Again, the ninth intel fragment is next to a TV on a table with multiple drawers.
Intel Fragment #10

- Navigate to S.A.M Site D
- Find a laptop in the north-western direction of the S.A.M Site
- The USB drive plugged in on the laptop is the tenth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #11

- Go to the building marked on the above map
- Take the staircase on the side of the building to reach the top
- Turn right and move through the door
- Take the immediate right to find a chest of drawers with an open drawer on the floor
- Inside the drawer is the eleventh intel fragment
Intel Fragment #12

- Head to the location marked in the above map and keep your Geiger Counter ready.
- Move in the direction that provides the highest Geiger Counter reading
- Once the Geiger Counter reads 9, you’ll get your hands on the twelfth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #13

- Navigate to the location marked in the above map
- Go into the small shack and look for a wooden table
- The thirteenth intel fragment is on this table
Intel Fragment #14

- Move to the building marked in the above map
- Take the stairs beside the building to get to the second floor
- Turn to your left and jump on the water barrel near you
- From the barrel, hop onto the adjacent roof
- The crate right in front of you is the fourteenth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #15

- Search for the location marked on the above map and keep your Geiger Counter handy.
- Move in the direction that dissipates the highest Geiger Counter reading
- You’ll come across the fifteenth intel fragment when the Geiger Counter displays a reading of 9.
Intel Fragment #16

Head to the location marked in the above map and follow the same steps as above to find the sixteenth intel fragment.
Intel Fragment #17

- Go to the spot marked in the above map (near S.A.M Site C)
- Keep moving in the north-western direction until you notice a garage containing a big truck
- Enter the garage and look for a table in the farthest corner
- The table contains a folder, which is the seventeenth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #18

- First, move to S.A.M Site C and then walk in the northeastern direction until you come across a building with a blue door with a truck parked next to it
- Climb up the staircase of the building and take a left to enter a room
- In the left corner of the room is a table with a chest of drawers, a TV, and a plant
- The eighteenth intel fragment is in front of the plant
Intel Fragment #19

- Find S.A.M Site B and head to it
- Considering S.A.M Site B as the north pole of a virtual compass, head into an open structure on its right
- Keep moving into the structure until you come across a table with a laptop on it
- The nineteenth intel fragment is a USB drive plugged into the laptop
Intel Fragment #20

- Head to the location marked in the above map
- Take an immediate right and move towards the right side of the base of the watchtower.
- Look for a rustic table with a vintage radio on it
- The final intel fragment of Denied Area mission in Modern Warfare II is on this table.
How to find all intel fragments in the Defender Mt. Zaya Spec Ops mission in Modern Warfare II?
You must search three Hardpoints and buildings to find all ten intel fragments in the Defender Mt. Zaya Spec Ops mission in Modern Warfare II. In addition, you must evade enemies and make sure they don’t plant a bomb.
Below are the locations of all ten intel fragments in the Defender Mt. Zaya mission in Modern Warfare II.
Intel Fragment #1

- Upon getting dropped off, enter the building right in front of you via its left entrance
- Take a right and move into the space between two shelves beside the left door
- The first intel fragment is on top of a box at the end of the crawlspace
Intel Fragment #2

- Navigate to the Exports Area in the Site C building (as marked on the above map)
- Move into the door on your right and head to the end of the room
- On the right corner is a bench with the second intel fragment on it
Intel Fragment #3

- Go to the Radar Area in Site B adjacent to the broken dome
- You’ll find the third intel fragment on a wooden desk with a couple of PCs on it
Intel Fragment #4

- Get to the broken dome near Site C (as marked on the above map)
- Upon entering the structure, you’ll see a desk with a couple of old white monitors.
- The folder on the desk, right in front of one of the monitors, is the fourth intel fragment.
Intel Fragment #5

- Navigate to the underground bunker you brushed out at the beginning of the Defender Mt. Zaya mission
- Take the staircase near the drop-off point
- Take a left to enter the control room with grey control panels
- The fifth intel fragment is placed on the control panels
Intel Fragment #6

- Go back to the underground bunker, but take the entrance near the collapsed ceiling area on the left of the staircase.
- Take a left and enter a room with overturned machines and crates
- Look for a floppy disk between a small overturned machine and a larger one
- The floppy disk is the sixth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #7

- Go to the building marked at the location marked on the above map
- Head into the first room you notice and look for a desk in the right corner
- The desk contains a USB drive, which is the seventh intel fragment
Intel Fragment #8

- Head to the drop-off point and go to the supply shop
- Take the door on the left out of the two doors behind the supply shop
- Turn right and move into the open office area with destructed offices
- Look for an open cabinet beside a desk right in front of you
- Within the bottom drawer of the cabinet is the eighth intel fragment
Intel Fragment #9

- Navigate to the building north of the original drop-off point
- Head inside and look for a vending machine on the left
- Spend $20,000 at the vending machine, dispelling the ninth intel fragment.
Intel Fragment #10

- Go to the street near Site C and move into the building at the end of the road
- After unlocking the door (complete Wave 6 or buy the Juggernaut suit in exchange for $8,000), head inside
- Look for a desk on the left side of the room
- You’ll find the last intel fragment of the Defender Mt. Zaya mission in Modern Warfare II
How to unlock intel rewards in Modern Warfare II?

You can unlock intel rewards by collecting all intel fragments in the Spec Ops missions in Call of Duty Modern Warfare II. There are a total of three intel rewards that players can unlock, namely a Calling Card, an Emblem, and a gun skin.
Listed below are all intel rewards and tiers and the number of intel fragments you must unlock to collect them in Modern Warfare II.
- Calling Card – All Mighty Tier – 20 Intel Fragments
- Emblem – Deadly Precision – 40 Intel Fragments
- Gun Skin (for the Basilisk revolver) – Brass Section – 50 Intel Fragments
About Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is a first-person shooter game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. It is a direct sequel to the 2019 reboot and will serve as the nineteenth installment in the CoD series. It was released on October 28, 2022, for PS 4, PS 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Season 2 of Modern Warfare II released for every platform on 15th February 2023 at 9 AM PT, along with additions of newer maps and game modes, along with new content and bug fixes.
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