“Jabba’s Gambit” is an exclusive quest in Star Wars Outlaws, available only to players who pre-ordered the game or purchased the season pass. The quest involves Kay and ND-5 working together to fulfill Jabba’s request to pay off ND-5’s debts.
Complete the main story quest on Tatooine to unlock ‘Jabba’s Gambit.’ While it’s a relatively straightforward mission, here’s a comprehensive guide to make your life easier if you’re contemplating the final decision of this quest.
1. Jabba’s Gambit Quest in Star Wars Outlaws

Once you’ve finished the final story mission in Star Wars Outlaws, ND-5 reaches out with a pressing matter: settling an old debt with Jabba, requiring Kay Vess’ involvement. He’ll ask you to meet Jabba’s associate in Jaunta’s Hope on Toshara, kicking off the mission.
The quest is simple on paper – you must retrieve the datapad from Pyke territory, escape the Toshaal system, return to Jabba’s Palace, and return the datapad. However, you’ll have to choose between handing over the valuable schematics to Jabba or keeping them for yourself, the latter yields a much more profitable outcome.
2. Starting the Quest

- Travel to the moon Toshara and head towards Daruda Diner. Take a right before the entrance to meet the contact outside.
- Talk to the contact to learn about the mission objective: stealing a datapad to help Jabba gain control of Toshara.
- Mount your speeder and head to the provided coordinates, which will bring you to The Mirage, between the Imperial and Pyke territories.
- Find ND-5 in the middle of a speeder crash and talk to him to start the next part of the mission.
3. Examining the Crash Site

- Examine the crashed land speeder where ND-5 was standing, inspect the laser blasts on the wall, and search the satchel to the left.
- As you search the area, a group of unwanted visitors arrive on speeders. ND-5 cautions you to remain calm and follow his lead.
- If you follow his lead, he’ll attempt to negotiate, but the conversation will escalate, leading to a shootout.
- If you ignore ND-5’s suggestion, prepare for combat, as regardless of your choice, the situation will escalate into an intense shootout.
4. Locating the Datapad

- Once the battle has ended, follow Nix to the recently crashed speeder at the top of the hill.
- You’ll encounter Pyke syndicate enemies, so engage in combat directly or sneak attack using the bridge to the left.
- Defeat the Pyke enemies, using ND-5’s assistance and Bacta-Vials if needed.
- Cross the bridge to the other side and search the Pykes’ left-behind items. ND-5 will then slice into the commlinks to obtain the datapad’s location.
5. Retrieving the Datapad

- Head southeast from your current location to the Pyke territory using your speeder and drive left towards “The Gate.”
- Drive between the two mountains and take a right when the road starts to go upwards.
- Depending on your current reputation with them, be cautious of Pyke attacks and avoid boosting directly into the mission marker.
- A fight will be taking place between Crimson Dawn and Pykes. Head left of the small cliff outcropping and vault over the steps.
- Slide into the grass and move through it to reach the area behind the encampment.
- Send Nix to grab the datapad from the small table in the middle and then sneak back out the way you came, avoiding detection.
6. Escaping the Toshaal System

- To escape Toshara, outrun pursuing enemies on speeders and reach your ship.
- Once you reach space, an Imperial Officer will intercept you for a “routine inspection”.
- You’ll then have to choose whether to stand down or gun it. If you stand down, syndicate ships will appear and engage Imperial forces, allowing you to escape, while gunning it will require you to fight off TIE Fighters.
- Either way, you aim to escape the Toshaal system and return to Jabba’s Palace on Tatooine to deliver the datapad.
7. Final Decision

- As you approach Jabba’s Palace, Kay suggests withholding some information, as the crew isn’t getting paid for their efforts.
- Upon arrival, you’ll be granted entry regardless of your reputation with the Hutt cartel.
- Hand over the datapad to Jabba, and he’ll relish his upcoming triumph over Governor Thorden.
- He’ll then inquire about any additional findings, where you’ll have to make an easy choice. Giving the schematics to Jabba yields no reward, only a stern reminder of your place.
- On the other hand, if you choose to keep the schematics, Jabba will detect your dishonesty but merely postpone collecting his debt, allowing you to benefit from selling the valuable data for 2000 credits.
And with that, the Jabba’s Gambit quest and this guide comes to a close. As you set your sights on new adventures, remember to stay vigilant, make wise choices, and may the force be with you!
8. About Star Wars Outlaws
Star Wars Outlaws is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft under license by Lucasfilm Games. The game will be set in the Star Wars universe, during the period between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
It is a single-player, third person action-adventure game set in the Star Wars universe. Set in an open world, the game will feature stealth and open combat, vehicle combat, space combat, and branching dialogue.
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