Assassin’s Creed: Rogue is a reasonably shorter title than the other games in the franchise. The game is basically a Black Flag II as the game’s mechanics build on mechanics that were previously present in Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag like the combat system and the naval elements.
The game follows the journey of an Assassin turned-Templar called Shay Cormac. It takes place during the Seven Years’ War and is also the final chapter in the Kenway family’s saga. The game also ties into Assassin’s Creed: Unity but how it ties into Unity will be explained in the article.
If you’re aiming to finish just the main story for Assassin’s Creed: Rogue, it’ll take you around 10 hours. Completing both the main story and the side missions will take you 22 hours and a completionist run of the game will take you around 39 hours.
Difficulty will not affect your playtime as the game does not have any difficulty settings so while you can still approach the game in your own way, you can’t really select a difficulty you’d like to play on.
1. Does Assassin’s Creed: Rogue have any DLCs?

Assassin’s Creed: Rogue not only has cosmetic DLCs, it also has two playable DLC missions which are:
- The Armor of Sir Gunn Quest
- The Siege of Fort de Sable
I. Official Synopsis – The Armor of Sir Gunn Quest
Explore North America to find the remains of Scottish explorer and Templar Sir James Gunn and solve the mystery of the man who may have been the first discoverer of the New World.
II. Official Synopsis – The Siege of Fort de Sable
Continue the battle at sea with this bonus fort raiding mission set in the unexplored northern territory of the New World.
2. How many endings does Assassin’s Creed: Rogue have?

Assassin’s Creed: Rogue has only one definitive ending and this is where the Assassin’s Creed: Unity connection comes in. Assassin’s Creed: Rogue isn’t really a prequel to Unity as it’s concurrent with the events of Unity.
At the beginning of Assassin’s Creed: Unity, Arno’s journey starts after his father is murdered. In Assassin’s Creed: Rogue, we find out that it was actually Shay who murdered Arno’s father and hence creating a connection between both the games.
3. Is Assassin’s Creed: Rogue a short game?

Clocking in at an average length of around 10 hours, Assassin’s Creed: Rogue is the second-shortest game in Assassin’s Creed main line history. It was released around the same time as Assassin’s Creed: Unity.
The game might not be as critically acclaimed as the series’ other titles but it’s still a fun game to play through considering it includes various elements from Assassin’s Creed: III and Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. A remastered version of the game was also released on consoles in 2018.
4. 100% Completion

Performing a completionist run on the game means doing everything that the game has to offer which can be a bit time-consuming but we’re going to list all the things you need to do to achieve 100% completion:
- Complete all Main Missions
- Complete all Secondary Memories
- Collecting all Animus Collectibles:
- Shanties
- Treasure Chests
- Naval Animus Fragments
- Prosperity Fragments
- War Letters
- Cave Paintings
- Blueprints
- Native Pillars
- Templar Maps
- Native Pillars
- Viking Swords
- Collecting all Abstergo Collectibles:
- Tablets
- Broken Computers
- Complete the Abstergo Challenges
- Complete all Side Activities
- Complete all Miscellaneous Side Activities
- Unlock all Trophies
5. All Main Missions List

All the main missions are categorized into Sequences and the missions are essentially called Memories. Here’s a list of all main story missions in Assassin’s Creed: Rogue:
I. Sequence 1
- The Way The Wind Blows
- Lessons and Revelations
- Tinker Sailor Soldier Spy
- By Invitation Only
II. Sequence 2
- One Little Victory
- We The People
- Fiat Lux
- Kyrie Eleison
- Freewill
III. Sequence 3
- The Colour of Right
- A Long Walk and A Short Drop
- Circumstances
- Keep Your Friends Close
IV. Sequence 4
- Honour and Loyalty
- Armour and Sword
- Scars
- Incomplete Memory 2
V. Sequence 5
- Men O War
- Bravado
VI. Sequence 6
- The Heist
- Caress of Steel
- No Laws But Our Own
- Cold Fire
- Non Nobis Domine
- Incomplete Memory 3
6. All Secondary Memories List

To complete all the Secondary Memories, these are the things that you’ll have to do:
I. Assassin Interception
- Intercept 01: Scott Lawson
- Intercept 02: Kelly Snider
- Intercept 03: Lewis Johnson
- Intercept 04: Franklin Greear
- Intercept 05: Maria Gurley
- Intercept 06: Michael Crawley
- Intercept 07: Conan Brown
- Intercept 08: Randall Gordon
- Intercept 09: Rachel Plourde
- Intercept 10: David Borgen
- Intercept 11: Phillipe Beaubien
- Intercept 12: Marla Capps
II. Hunting Challenges
- Hunting Challenge 01: Old Growth Forest
- Hunting Challenge 02: Fleur-de-Vent
- Hunting Challenge 03: Greystone
- Hunting Challenge 04: Ile Des Pins
- Hunting Challenge 05: Mont Saint Denis
- Hunting Challenge 06: Marais Rocheux
- Hunting Challenge 07: Old Growth Forest
- Hunting Challenge 08: Or-du-Nord
- Hunting Challenge 09: Red Bank
- Hunting Challenge 10: Riviere Aurifere
- Hunting Challenge 11: Ruisseau du Renard
- Hunting Challenge 12: St. Nicolas
- Hunting Challenge 13: Twin Snake Path
- Hunting Challenge 14: Vallee Verte
- Hunting Challenge 15: Vieille Carriere
- Pirates of a Lost Age
- The Battle of Quiberon Bay
- The Battle of Labrador
- The Storm Fortress
7. All Side Activities

There are a number of side activities to do in Assassin’s Creed: Rogue. Here’s a list of all the side activities that you can do:
- Naval Fort Liberation
- Gang Headquarters
- Hostile Settlements
- Native Pillars
- Taverns
- Buried Treasure
8. All Miscellaneous Side Activities List

In order to achieve a completionist playthrough of Assassin’s Creed: Rogue, you need to do all the miscellaneous side activities which are:
- Outposts
- Supply Camps
- Prisoner of War Ships
- Ship Convoys
- People in Distress
- Save Citizen
- Frontier Clashes
- Abandoned Ships
9. About Assassin’s Creed Rogue
Assassin’s Creed Rogue is the seventh primary instalment of the Assassin’s Creed series. The game takes place during the Seven Year’s war in the 1750s and narrates the journey of Shay Cormac, an Assassin who eventually turns into a Templar. Also, it’s the last chapter of the Kenway family saga.
It was developed by Ubisoft Sofia and published by Ubisoft. The game was such a huge hit that a remastered version of the same was released worldwide in 2018.
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