Hero Classroom is an upcoming anime based on the fantasy light novel series by Shin Araki and illustrated by Haruyuki Morisawa that has been running since 2015 and soon made into a manga for Shueisha’s Ultra Jump.
The story revolves around Blade, who struggles to become friends with his peers at Rosewood Academy, where everyone trains to become a hero. However, he is not just a regular kid as he hides an incredible strength rivaling one of the strongest in the school and possibly even the Demon King.
The upcoming season will be adapted by Studio Actas, who has also worked on Girls & Panzer, Switch, and even some parts of the IDOLM@STER series. It will be streamed on Crunchyroll as well as the TOKYO MX channel.
1. Episode 1 Speculation
Arnest Fleming is one of the strongest in the school, and Blade is just a new student. These will likely be the main focus of the first episode as they run into each other and will likely immediately begin fighting as their nature goes.
The trailer also hints at a massive cast of heroes in the school that Blade wants to be friends with, although they will likely wholly ignore him initially. There are also glimpses of a dark backstory involving an ancient battle with the Demon King, which could also be another focal point.
2. Episode 1 Release Date
Episode 1 of the Hero Classroom anime has been released on Sunday, Jul 09, 2023. The episode title or preview has not been shown.
I. Is Episode 1 of Hero Classroom on break this week?
No, episode 1 of Hero Classroom is not on a break this week. The episode will be released on the above-stated date.
3. Where to watch Hero Classroom?
4. About Hero Classroom
Hero Classroom also known as Classroom of Heroes is a light novel series written by Shin Araki and illustrated by Haruyuki Morisawa, first published in Shueisha’s seinen manga magazine Ultra Jump between February and August 2015. A manga adaptation by Koara Kishida has been serialized since 2016 via Square Enix’s Monthly Shonen Gangan.
The series focuses on Blade, a relaxed transfer student who explore Rosewood Academy in an attempt to make friends. He meets Arnest Fleming, the top student at the academy yet still rivaled in strength by the newbie student Blade.
Surrounded by people filled with determination to become a hero, Blade joins their journey although burdened by a dark secret of the past, something he can never reveal.
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