Shodensha’s Feel Young has been serializing since 1989 with manga series of the Josei genre. The June issue of the Feel Young manga announced that the next issue will start serializing Musashino Rondo, a brand new series.
Musashino Rondo will depict a love story which interweaves unique characters. The story revolves around an older sister, who is somewhat eccentric, and a younger brother, who just got his heartbroken. Together, they will find a “seed that makes new love bloom.“
The series is created by Haruka Kawachi, who is famous for his works in Natsuyuki Rendezvous. The Natsuyuki Rendezvous manga also serialized in Shodensha’s Feel Young magazine from 2009 to 2012.
Here is a list of manga series which have run in the Feel Young magazine.
- IC in a Sunflower (1994–97) by Mitsukazu Mihara
- Helter Skelter (1995–97) by Kyoko Okazaki
- Happy Mania (1996–01) by Moyoco Anno
- Sayonara Midori-chan (1996–97) by Kyūta Minami
- Dolis (1998) by Maki Kusomoto[3]
- Doll (1998–02) by Mitsukazu Mihara
- Beautiful People (2001) by Mitsukazu Mihara
- Love My Life (2001) by Ebine Yamaji
- The Embalmer (2002–13) by Mitsukazu Mihara
- Strawberry Shortcakes (2002) by Kiriko Nananan
- New Hana no Asuka-gumi! (2003–09) by Satosumi Takaguchi
- Piece of Cake (2003–08) by George Asakura[4]
- Suppli (2003–09) by Mari Okazaki
- Bunny Drop (2005–11) by Yumi Unita
- Gozen 3-ji no Muhōchitai (2008–09) by Yōko Nemu
- Natsuyuki Rendezvous (2009–12) by Haruka Kawachi
Source: Feel Young Magazine, Japan
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