The Furry BL Manga by Haruchika, Mori no Kuma-san, Gets Passionate Anime!

It’s no secret that BL manga and anime alike persist in receiving some extreme criticisms, but that has never been the cause of hindrance to writing one. 

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Haruchika is one such author who has not been discouraged and wrote the manga Mori no Kuma-san, about a bear and a puppy living together! However, it’s not as innocent as it sounds.

It revolves around Mr. Kuma, a bear, and Nowa, the puppy who hopelessly falls in love after their first encounter in the woods. Trust me when I say that wiping our flustered faces after watching the anime is going to be a strenuous task!

An anime adaptation of Haruchika’s BL manga, Mori no Kuma-san, has been announced. The cast was revealed as well.

The official page of the publisher Suiseisha announced the exciting news that the upcoming anime Mori no Kuma-san is on its way, and the staff is working hard. 

A limited-edition drama CD and Volume 1 will be released on 18th July in Japan. 

 Information Lifted: “Mori no Kuma-san, hibernating.” TV animation decision The 

on-air version cast continues from the drama CD, Amasaki Kohei as Airi, #Kazuyuki Okitsu as Nowa, #Kengo Kawanishi as Kou Mr. consecutive pitching will be announced, such as the latest information and campaign information in this account # Ani Fes Original

English Translation, Twitter Translate

The artwork incorporates soft and feminine pink tones, which generally appeal to the female audience. Just glancing at the poster of the human versions of the dark-skinned bear with the puppy is enough to make our hearts race!

The cast who will be voicing in the series and the CD version includes:

CharacteristicsCastsOther Works
AiriKohei AmasakiTaichi Nishimura (Isekai Cheat Magician)
NowaKazuyuki OkitsuHatori Sohma (Fruits Basket)
KouKengo KawanishiRitsu Sohma (Fruits Basket)

The broadcast date is not here yet, but have some patience, for it will be announced soon!

The steamy manga was enough to get us all riled up, and the expectations from the anime have thus increased twofold! 

So, sharpen your ears and try to calm down till the anime releases because it will definitely make your hearts race!

About Mori no Kuma-san Toumin-chuu

Mori no Kuma-san touminchuu is a Japanese Boy Love manga created by Haruchika. The manga is serialized by Suiseisha.

The story is about a bear living in the woods with a puppy. When the bear wakes up from hibernation the puppy became an adult dog, eagerly waiting.

Bear-san picks up little Dog-kun, raises him and, years later, finds him still sucking on his nips while he was hibernating!

Source: Official AnimeFesta Twitter and Official Suiseisha Website


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