The anime adaptation of Given has received positive reviews and praise from critics. The subsequent episodes of the anime made the plot even more gripping.
The relationship between Mafuyu and Ritsuka is precariously set and has been loved by fans.
The anime movie adaptation of Given was initially supposed to air on 16th May in Japan. However, it was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
A new notice by the official website of ‘Given: MOVIE’ announced that it will be released on 22nd August 2020.
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The notice urges fans to keep their advance purchase tickets as they can be used when the film is released. However, the release date may be subject to change due to future policies by the government. Further details about the release have not been updated yet.
Along with the broadcast date, the official website has also released comments by the movie staff. The original writer of the series, Natsuki Kizu, commented that coming from a film major background, it is an honor to have her work adapted into an anime.
Director Hikaru Yamaguchi commented that he was always looking for a way to express the anime better in a movie.
The biggest challenge for him was to fit the storyline into 60 minutes of video, whereas the standard anime tv-series is only 20 minutes per episode.
He advised fans to watch the movie in theatres for the perfect experience of the story.
The main difference between the TV anime series and the film is that the anime focused on Ritsuka and Mafuyu. Still, the film’s primary focus will be the adult members of the band, Haruki, Akihiko, and Ugetsu.
The film picks up the plot, which was left off in episode 11 of the anime.
The original cast of the anime worked for the movie as well. Hikaru Yamauchi directed the film at Lerche. Yumiko Ayana was the scriptwriter while Mina Osawa was in charge of character design.
The opening theme song of the film, “Kizuato,” is performed by centimillimental.
About Given
The Given anime is an adaptation of the manga of the same name by Natsuki Kizu.
Ritsuka Uenomiya was losing his love for guitar and everything he liked. However, his impromptu meeting with Mafuyu Sato changed it all.
Mafuyu’s song pierced his heart and made him want to find his love all over again. Both of them have unresolved pasts, so how will they help each other overcome it?
Source: Given the Official Movie Website
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