Gibiate is an original Japanese anime television series produced by Yoshitaka Amano and written by Ryō Aoki. The story follows In 2030, Japan. A virus has infected humans throughout the world. Infected people turn into different forms of monsters based on their ages, sexes, and races.
The virus is named “Gibia”—after being rich in variety like gibia. Just then, a pair of samurai and ninja appeared in such a blighted wasteland of Japan. They both traveled from the early Edo period, fighting together with help from a doctor who tries to find a cure for Gibia. Follow the latest episode updates with us!
1. Episode 8 Title & Release Date
Episode 8 of the Gibiate anime, titled “Letter of Farewell”, has been released on Wednesday, Sep 02, 2020 at 6:00 am PDT.
I. Is Gibiate on a Break This Week?
No, episode 8 of the Gibiate anime will be released as per its schedule; thus, no such delay is announced.
The anime comes out weekly every Wednesday.
2. Episode 8 Preview & Speculation
Episode 8 is titled “Letter of Farewell.” The preview was not shown at the end of episode 7.
But in the last few seconds of the episode, we saw Yukira getting stabbed in her stomach by a Gibiate. We speculate that she may end up losing her life as the title of the upcoming episode suggests a farewell letter. Will she be able to make it out alive and rescued by someone?! Stay tuned for the latest update with us!
3. Recap of Episode 7
Episode 7, titled “Dream Road to Death,” begins with the monsters attacking everyone. At the right time, Hatonami Ayame appears and saves Kathleen. Meanwhile, Ayame is recording a video. She confesses something about her parents. She has a Japanese father and a Chinese mother.
On top of that, her parents stayed apart when she was a child. However, they did not have a divorce. Her mother used to work as a cook at a restaurant. There she learned the skill of Chinese martial arts. Her father was a born Yakuza. Therefore, he wanted to be a cop. Her father died in a war against Gibia. So, Kathleen is determined to find a cure for such a virus. The thugs chased Kathleen and her crew members.
Meanwhile, they encountered a Meteora. All of them were determined to defeat the monster. And, they did it. However, Kathleen’s mother got infected at the same time as Gibia. Then we see Kenroku and Sensui defeat Meteora. After that was done when everyone headed back to their base and a lizard monster shows up at the front of their base and Ayame goes out to kill it. In the end of the episode, we see that Yurika gets stabbed in the dark by a monster!
4. Where to Watch Gibiate
5. About Gibiate
Gibiate is an original Japanese anime television series produced by Yoshitaka Amano, directed by Masahiko Komino at studios Lunch Box and Studio Elle and written by Ryō Aoki.
In 2030, Japan, a virus, has infected humans throughout the world.
Infected people turn into different forms of monsters based on their ages, sexes, and races.
The virus is named “Gibia”—after being rich in variety. Just then, a pair of samurai and ninja appear in such a blighted wasteland of Japan.
They both traveled from the early Edo period, fighting together with help from a doctor who tries to find a cure for Gibia. Facing ceaseless attacks from Gibias and outlaws that attack travelers for food, they start the dangerous journey with enemies all around.
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