Gibiate is an original Japanese anime television series produced by Yoshitaka Amano and written by Ryō Aoki.
The story follows In 2030, Japan. A virus has infected humans throughout the world. Infected people turn into different forms of monsters based on their ages, sexes, and races.
The virus is named “Gibia”—after being rich in variety like gibia. Just then, a pair of samurai and ninja appeared in such a blighted wasteland of Japan.
They both traveled from the early Edo period, fighting together with help from a doctor who tries to find a cure for Gibia
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1. Episode 6 Title & Release Date
Episode 6 of the Gibiate anime, titled “Desperate Situation,” will be released on Wednesday, August 19, 2020.
I. Is Gibiate on a Break This Week?
No, episode 6 of the Gibiate anime will be released as per its schedule; thus, no such delay is announced.
The anime comes out weekly every Wednesday.
2. Episode 6 Preview & Speculation
The preview for Episode 6 was not shown at the end of episode 5.
Titled “Desperate Situation,” we speculate that in the next episode, Kathleen may be rescued at the last moment before she gets attacked by the Gibiate.
As it was shown in the last few seconds of the previous episode of her being attacked by the same.
3. Recap of Episode 5
Kanroku managed to capture the flying Gibiate dragon using his powerful strings. Yukinojyo used his weapon and stroked it while he threw it away.
Instantaneously they observed that the tiger monster and the wolf had appeared. The tire of the bus that they were using was releasing the air.
The doctor was trying to make the bus move with the help of Kathleen but there was no time to change the tires.
The situation became worse as the number of monsters raging kept on increasing and headed towards the bus.
Adam went out with a remote bomb running towards the monsters that came on his way.
Meanwhile, Kanroku manages to tear one of the dragons into pieces. Adam sacrificed and bombed himself with the monsters because he knew that he was already infected by them.
Everyone mourned the death of Adam and Brian. Sensui feels guilty about the fact that he was passed out which led to such a desperate measure taken by Adam.
But Kathleen tells him that it’s not true and willingly sacrificed himself and knew it was time he went where Brian is.
The next day everyone was happy and Kanroku teased Yukinojyo that the monk will never get a wife.
He also said that Yukinojyo might even fall for Kathleen’s mother. Kanroku tried to persuade Yukinojyo into falling in love with Kathleen’s mother Yurika.
Yukinojyo keeps on staring at Yurika. Admiring her beauty. Kanroku said that monks would be happy to get a daughter and mother as a family.
Yukinojyo punched Kanroku and said it was rude to Yurika. Yurika smiled at Yukinojyo and his cheek became red.
Later the escaped convicts tried to kidnap Kathleen and they told Kathleen’s crew to give them food. They won’t harm them if they do as they say and they can call them the Galients.
Sensui clashed with the boss and he defeated him effortlessly and he told him that his sword is not meant for cutting people.
We also see at the end of the episode. Kathleen being attacked by a monster.
Will she be saved on time?!
4. Where to Watch Gibiate
5. About Gibiate
Gibiate is an original Japanese anime television series produced by Yoshitaka Amano, directed by Masahiko Komino at studios Lunch Box and Studio Elle and written by Ryō Aoki.
In 2030, Japan, a virus, has infected humans throughout the world.
Infected people turn into different forms of monsters based on their ages, sexes, and races.
The virus is named “Gibia”—after being rich in variety. Just then, a pair of samurai and ninja appear in such a blighted wasteland of Japan.
They both traveled from the early Edo period, fighting together with help from a doctor who tries to find a cure for Gibia.
Facing ceaseless attacks from Gibias and outlaws that attack travelers for food, they start the dangerous journey with enemies all around.
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