Fruits Basket is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. It tells the story of Tohru Honda, an orphan girl who, after meeting Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Soma, learns that the Chinese zodiac animals possess twelve members of the Soma family.
It shows the various relationships and hardships of the characters and their love and hopes, a fantastic slice of life series. Fruits Basket season 2 is the continuation of the first season.
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1. Episode 23 Release Date
Episode 23 of the Fruits basked Season 2 anime, titled “Something Like Cinderella!”, has been released on Monday, Sep 07, 2020 at 9:30 am PDT.
I. Is Fruits Basket on a Break This Week?
No, episode 23 of the Fruits Basket Season 2 anime will be released as per its schedule; thus, no such delay is announced.
2. Episode 23 Preview & Speculation
The preview of episode 23 was not shown at the end of the previous episode. The title is “Something Like Cinderella!” We speculate that in Tohru’s school we will see her class perform on Cinderella’s story but it would be different than the regular one since the script has been changed.
Further in the story we may see that Tohru has been hiding the truth about how she really feels since a long time and Kyo may try to find out what has been really bothering her.
3. Recap of Episode 22
Episode 22 titled, “That’s Not What I Want.” begins with Yuki and Kakeru continuing to converse with each other. He tells Kakeru how Tohru has always been a kind and accepting person. She prioritizes others before herself. Yuki also says that more than a romantic partner, he has always seen Tohru as a mother’s figure. As he had always yearned to be loved and accepted by his parents.
Further, he also mentions how Kyo sees Tohru as a proper woman and he loves her a lot and so does Tohru. After sharing a lot of things with Kakeru, Yuki realizes that his nauseousness went away. Then they start heading back.
Meanwhile, in Soma’s, Tohru had already returned home and was asking Shigure if he could help her out with memorizing the lines for the play. Shigure goes through the script and starts laughing as Kyo will be playing the prince. Then we see that Yuki gets back home and they all have dinner.
The next day, in school, Yuki calls his brother Ayame along with Mine to get the clothes designed for their play. So they take the permission of their school principal and take their measurements for the same.
Then we see them rehearsing for the play, and Tohru is unable to act as the evil sister. So the scriptwriter decides to change everything in the play according to the cast members and Tohru requests her to make Kyo’s dialogues easy as well so he comes for rehearsal next time.
Just when Tohru was about to head out to call Kyo for practice, Yuki says that he was about to go to the student council’s room so he will call Kyo on his way. When Yuki finds Kyo, he tells him not to make Tohru worry so much. Kyo gets furious and breaks a window panel and says that Yuki will never understand what he has been through.
At the end of the episode, Kyo heads back to the class where he sees that Tohru was waiting for him while everyone went home. Tohru explains to him how his role has become simpler as the script has been changed. Kyo realizes that she has been waiting for him all this while and always there for him so he decides to play the role of the prince.
4. Where to Watch FuruBa
5. About Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket, abbreviated to Furuba or Aruba, is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya.
It was serialized in the semi-monthly Japanese magazine Hana to Yume, published by Hakusensha, from 1998 to 2006.
The series’ title comes from the name of a popular game played in Japanese elementary schools, alluded to in the series.
It tells the story of Tohru Honda, an orphan girl who, after meeting Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Soma, learns that twelve members of the Soma family are possessed by the animals of the Chinese zodiac and are cursed to turn into their animal forms when they are weak, stressed, or when they are embraced by anyone of the opposite sex that is not possessed by a zodiacal spirit.
As the series progresses, Tohru learns of the hardships and pain faced by the afflicted Somas, and through her own generous and loving nature, helps heal their emotional wounds.
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