Fruits Basket is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. It tells the story of Tohru Honda, an orphan girl who, after meeting Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Soma, learns that the Chinese zodiac animals possess twelve members of the Soma family.
It shows the various relationships and hardships of the characters and their love and hopes, a fantastic slice of life series. Fruits Basket season 2 is the continuation of the first season.
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1. Episode 22 Release Date
Episode 22 of the Fruits Basket, titled “That’s Not What I Want” will be released on Monday, August 31, 2020, at 9:30 am PDT.
I. Is FuruBa on a Break This Week?
No, episode 22 of the Fruits Basket Season 2 anime will be released as per its schedule.
2. Episode 22 Preview & Speculation
The preview of episode 22 was not shown at the end of the previous episode. The title is “That’s Not What I Want.” We speculate that Tohru is frantically worried about the long run. Lost in her bothering thoughts, she fears abandonment all again when she thinks of leaving the Soma home.
She realizes that she and the Somas have become extremely codependent on each other and it would be difficult for them if she leaves for college to adapt.
3. Recap of Episode 21
Episode 21 titled, “There Was, Definitely” begins with Yuki lost in the track of his thoughts and we get to see a flashback of his childhood.
When he first met Akito, she told him that rats are the greatest zodiac sign of all and closest to god and that Akito and Yuki are very much alike.
She embraced Yuki and they used to spend a lot of time together and Yuki never questioned anything. He always wondered when he would be able to go home. Upon asking that question to his mother. She gives him a vague answer saying someday.
One day suddenly Akito starts behaving differently and she tells Yuki that he is useless and nobody cares about him. She also tells Yuki that his mother gave him to her as a toy to play with and everyone hates him. She then constantly used to tell Yuki all sorts of negative stuff which almost made him believe all the things Akito told him. Yuki eventually realized that none of the zodiac members ever talked with him in any of the gatherings.
In one of the family gatherings, Yuki meets the Cat for the first time. He heard the maids talk about how he’s never involved in anything and is standing outside the door. Yuki goes to see him and tries to talk to him. But Kyo gives him the cold shoulder and tells him to never speak to him. This makes Yuki upset and when he goes back to his mother before he could say anything, she slaps Yuki and asks him to go back inside.
In the next scene, we learn that Yuki didn’t have any friends in school either. He didn’t bother making any, as he did not wish to increase the number of people that already hate him. Upon trying to make friends in school only ended up in the revelation of his true identity. Because of which they had to erase those kids’ memories.
Yuki later discovered that he was sold to the family’s head. He heard the maids talking that his parents are living a lavish life after selling him and they offered him as a human sacrifice. Nobody ever came to visit Yuki since they were satisfied with the situation. In this episode we finally find out that Yuki always yearned to be with his family, being cared for by someone and to be someone people wouldn’t hate being around.
Yuki didn’t know why everyone hated him and he thinks that if he is gone from this world, at least a little bit of hatred would disappear and he ran away from home. He saw Tohru’s mom looking for her daughter crying. He noticed that there are parents that care a lot about their kids. Later he met with Tohru crying and he guided her back to her home and put his hat on her head and he is happy that he managed to reunite Tohru with her mother.
4. Where to Watch Fruits Basket
5. About Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket, abbreviated to Furuba or Aruba, is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya.
It was serialized in the semi-monthly Japanese magazine Hana to Yume, published by Hakusensha, from 1998 to 2006.
The series’ title comes from the name of a popular game played in Japanese elementary schools, alluded to in the series.
It tells the story of Tohru Honda, an orphan girl who, after meeting Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Soma, learns that twelve members of the Soma family are possessed by the animals of the Chinese zodiac and are cursed to turn into their animal forms when they are weak, stressed, or when they are embraced by anyone of the opposite sex that is not possessed by a zodiacal spirit.
As the series progresses, Tohru learns of the hardships and pain faced by the afflicted Somas, and through her own generous and loving nature, helps heal their emotional wounds.
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