From Feral to Friendly: The Art of Animal Taming in Once Human

Taming animals is a thrilling experience, allowing you to witness wild creatures transform into loyal companions. It’s a test of patience, skill, and trust-building, rewarding the bond between you and your tamed animal.

With the new ‘Ranching’ feature in Once Human, players can now capture and care for animals in their base, and here’s all the basics you need to learn to make even the wildest beast – like a wolf or a crocodile – into your best pal.

1. A Quick Guide to Animal Taming in Once Human

A Quick Guide to Animal Taming in Once Human
A Quick Guide to Animal Taming in Once Human | Source: In-game footage

Once Human offers the exciting opportunity to tame a diverse array of sixteen animals, from the elite S-Tier to the reliable C-Tier. To get started, access the Memetics menu and unlock the taming ability, unlocking a world of possibilities for capturing and caring for your very own wildlife companions.

To care for your tamed animal, start by building a secure enclosure to prevent escape and protect yourself from attacks. Next, construct an animal trough, found in the Function Facility submenu under Agriculture, to provide food and water.

Remember to keep your animal fed and watered and take extra precautions with hostile animals to prevent them from attacking each other. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to catch, tame, and care for animals in Once Human.

1.1 Catching The Animal

Catching The Animal
Catching The Animal | Source: In-game footage

Unlock the Animal Capture Memetic in the Logistics tab of the Memetics menu for 7 Ciphers and 2,000 Energy Links.

  • Craft Tranquilizing Throwing Needles using an Intermediate or Advanced Supplies Workbench and materials like Steel Ingot (3), Engineering Plastic (8), Rubber (5), and Stardust (3). Add the Tranquilizing Throwing Needle to your hotbar.
  • Find an animal to capture. You can only select a non-corrupted or non-Eclipse animal as your target.
  • Carefully lower the animal’s health below the white line without killing it, using methods like unequipping weapons and using fists or an axe.
  • Once the animal is weakened, switch to Throwing Needles and aim carefully to tranquilize it.
  • After a successful hit, the animal will temporarily fall asleep.

Approach the tranquilized animal and press F to capture it, adding it to your inventory to take back to your Territory.

1.2 Housing The Animal

Housing The Animal
Housing The Animal | Source: In-game footage

After bringing your captured animal back to your Once Human Base, create a secure enclosure to prevent escape.

  • Enter Build Mode (press Z) and select a fence to build a pen, ensuring no gaps.
  • Next, craft an Animal Trough by gathering materials (50x Log, 12x Sintered Brick, 15x Aluminum Ingot, and 15x Adhesive) and accessing the Build menu (Facilities > Function Facility > Agriculture).
  • Place the Animal Trough inside the pen.

Go to your inventory’s Tools section, select the captured animal, and press F to “Use” it, allowing you to place it in its new enclosure.

1.3 Feeding The Animal

Feeding The Animal
Feeding The Animal | Source: In-game footage

To keep your animals happy and healthy, fill the Animal Trough with water and their preferred foods.

  • Each animal has unique dietary preferences, which can be discovered by hovering over them.
  • However, you don’t need to constantly hunt for these specific foods. A convenient alternative is to cook Animal Feed products in your oven using basic ingredients.
  • While not their favorite, these feeds last longer than regular food items, making them a practical option to keep your animals satisfied and nourished.

1.4 Taming The Animal

Taming The Animal
Taming The Animal | Source: In-game footage

In Once Human, you can raise up to six animals in your Territory. To ensure their well-being and tameness, follow these guidelines:

  • Feed and water your animals regularly, as neglecting their needs can decrease happiness and tameness.
  • View an animal’s details by hovering over it and pressing F to learn its diet, favorite foods, and fulfillment meters.
  • Keep Happiness, Energy, and Hydration meters above 30% to raise tameness.

Animal tameness levels:

  • 0%-20%: Aggressive animals may attack, and none will produce supplies.
  • 20%-50%: No supply production.
  • 50%-80%: Animals produce supplies, and combat-capable animals obey commands.
  • 80%-100%: Animals reach their full potential, efficiently producing supplies and assisting.

By understanding and meeting your animals’ needs, you can build trust and unlock their full potential.

2. List of Tameable Animals

List of Tameable Animals
List of Tameable Animals | Source: In-game footage

Each animal has a tier rating, ranging from S-Tier to C-Tier, which determines its taming abilities. This tier system adds depth to the taming process, making higher-tier animals more desirable and challenging to capture.

The following animals can be tamed in Once Human:

  • Wolf
  • Rabbit
  • Ram
  • Boar
  • Crocodile
  • Bear

This list is not exhaustive, as developer Starry Studio has also announced plans to introduce additional animals and a breeding feature in future updates.

Until then, may your animal friends be loyal and your adventures be epic!

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3. About Once Human

Once Human is a futuristic adventure game where a cosmic invasion has transformed the planet into a dark and distorted realm. The Stardust substance has altered living entities, granting Meta-Humans extraordinary abilities. In the post-apocalyptic world of Once Human,  your ultimate goal is to uncover the mysteries surrounding Stardust, its origins, and the factions vying for control.

Join forces with fellow survivors to navigate this alien-infused world, battling foes, uncovering conspiracies, and claiming resources. Establish your territory and shape the world anew with your evolved powers. Initially released on July 9, 2024, Once Human is developed by Starry Studio, NetEase Games, and Exptional Global.

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