Final Fantasy VII Rebirth takes players back to the iconic world of Gaia, continuing the thrilling story of Cloud Strife and his companions. With stunning visuals and an expanded narrative, it’s an experience fans of the original game have eagerly awaited.
However, players using ultrawide monitors have encountered an issue: black bars appear on the sides of the screen. This is due to the game’s lack of native support for ultrawide aspect ratios, resulting in a less immersive experience for those with wide displays. Luckily, the well-known modder, Lyall, has uploaded a patch on his GitHub page to fix this issue. Here is how to do it!
1. How to fix the Ultrawide screen issue in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth?
To fix the Ultrawide screen issue in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth:
- Go to Lyall’s Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Fix page on GitHub using the link.
- Select the most recent release (0.0.3 as of writing) on the right side of the screen.
- Scroll down and download the patch file by clicking the under “Assets.”
- Extract the zip file in the game’s installation folder. The default Steam address is the following: steamapps\common\FINALFANTASYVIIREBIRTH
Note – Before starting this process ensure that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is entirely terminated and not running even as a background process.
Now, once you relaunch the game, it should boot up in a perfect aspect ratio matching your monitor’s ultrawide screen and removing any of the side black bars!
This patch also adjusts the FOV for these resolutions and centers the 16:9 HUD for a more balanced experience. Currently, only the 0.0.3 version of the fix is out but it gets updated regularly, so ensure you have the correct version of the patch installed.
2. About Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH is the highly anticipated new story in the FINAL FANTASY VII remake project, reimagining the iconic original game into three standalone titles by its original creators. In this game, players will enjoy various new elements as the story unfolds, culminating in the party’s journey to “The Forgotten Capital” from the original FINAL FANTASY VII.
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