Far Cry 6 is more of what I enjoy: a typical Far Cry game that I don’t need to think much about, just roam around a map and blow stuff up. If there’s one thing Ubisoft does right, it’s world-building and also populating that world with things to do, be it with new stuff or returning features.
While there are quite a few new additions to the game, many mainstays from the previous games are still present. One of these is Treasure Hunts, formally known as Prepper Stashes in Far Cry 5. Most of these are pretty straightforward, but there was one I found to be a little tricky, and thought I may as well document the process for those of you who are stuck somewhere.
What is the “A Rising Tide” treasure hunt?
This Treasure Hunt will require you to figure out the order of a 5 digit code in order to access a locked door. To find these numbers, you will have to find 5 boats hidden across the village, each of which is tied to a number and a guerrilla legend.
Inside the shack where you need to input the code, you will find 5 buttons with the name of a legend next to each one. Your job is to hit the buttons associated with the legends in the correct order to unlock the door and get your reward.
What is “A Rising Tide” Treasure Hunt’s Door Code?
Now you’re probably thinking “Give me the code and I’ll be on my way.” Well, it’s not JUST the code you need.
For the “A Rising Tide” Treasure Hunt in Far Cry 6, players will need to press five orange buttons based on the numbers found near five boats scattered around the map (El Tigre, Papi Chulo, El Lucky, Clarita, and Rojo Victoria). The order of the boats does not matter, but the buttons must be pressed in ascending order of the numbers found.
Finding the boats themselves is also a part of the treasure hunt, and they will take you to some interesting locations. So, read on to know exactly where you can find them.
“A Rising Tide” Legend Boat Locations
#1 El Tigre
This is the easiest boat to fin. It’s right outside the shack where you need to hit the buttons. The sign showing the number is around the front of the boat. Note it down and move on to the next number.

#2 Papi Chulo
Papi Chulo is the only boat that doesn’t have a number card to match it. But given that the other boats all have numbers, and we have the ability to count, we can guess that this is number 2. This boat can be found in the water near the broken dock, but don’t go for a dip unless you fancy being chewed out by barracuda and sharks. Instead, there’s a zipline you can take from a nearby rooftop to the broken portion of this dock. You could shoot them, but you might want to save your bullets for later in the mission.

#3 El Lucky
El Lucky’s boat is number 3 and it’s placed in the north-eastern side of the village. For some reason, this boat is placed overturned on the roof of a bright green home. Once you get yourself up there, you will find the number sign next to the boat.

#4 Clarita
Now, head over to the north-western side of the village to find Clarita. This boat is also on a roof, this time of a rotting blue house.

#5 Roja Victoria
Rojo Victoria is the last boat, and this is why I told you to save your bullets when finding Papi Chulo. This boat is underwater and is surrounded by barracuda and sharks. No zip line here, so you will have to resort to some aggressive fishing. Once you’ve cleared out enough of them, you can dive under where you see the mast sticking out of the water. Close to the boat is a sign that reads “>3”, meaning Rojo Victoria’s number is greater than three. Given Clarita is #4, this would leave #5 as the only remaining option.

A Rising Tide Treasure Hunt Reward
Once you have all the numbers, and a decent amount of shark and barracuda in your inventory, you can return to the shack where the mission first started. Hit the buttons in the correct order and the door will unlock.
Your reward for completing the “A Rising Tide” treasure hunt is the 2-star Camo Quinceanera rifle. It’s a unique Far Cry 6 weapon, equipped with soft target rounds, a 3x tactical scope, and a laser pointer. As is the case with most unique weapons, it cannot be modded to your liking, but it does come with some select mods to improve the holster and reload speeds. It’s a useful rifle early on in the game but gets a bit redundant later on as you find better guns.

Far Cry 6 has a lot of secrets and cool stuff to unlock, but some new features have also been facing backlash. Namely, the cockfighting mini-game that PETA Latino has admonished. I personally don’t care much for the mini-game and prefer to explore the world, but it will be interesting to see how Ubisoft reacts to this criticism.
About Far Cry 6
Far Cry 6 is the latest insallment in the Far Cry series developed and published by Ubisoft. The game is an open-world, first-person action adventure title, and is set for a 2021 release.
Players will take control of Dani Rojas, a freedom fighting guerrilla, who is trying to overthrow the local dictator Anton Castillo. Far Cry 6 is based on the fictional island of Yara, and has been called the largest map of any Far Cry game yet. Players will have access to a variety of hand-made weapons and local vehicles in their fight against the forces of Castillo.
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