Elon Musk’s partner at Neuralink has stated that they possess the technology to build a real Jurassic Park. Neuralink was founded in 2016 by Musk with the goal of treating brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. The business magnate was inspired by Iain Banks’ The Culture series for the company.
Now, Max Hodak, Musk’s partner, has tweeted that they have the capability of constructing the iconic fictional dinosaur-laden location with “maybe 15 years of breeding and engineering to get super exotic novel species.” However, Hodak did not reveal the specific details of how they might achieve the mentioned plan or what technology the process could involve. Check out his tweet here:
Unfortunately, Neuralink’s go at the recreation might be the only shot at getting an actual Jurassic Park. The Natural History Museum, which was previously considering the possibility of bringing dinosaurs back to life, had their musings dissolved by dinosaur researcher Dr. Susie Maidment, who expressed her doubts.
The movie’s concept of extricating dinosaur DNA from mosquitoes conserved in amber has been assumed by many to be highly far-fetched since blood cannot be preserved in amber. Irrespective of it, Maidment has noted that there are no possible scenarios where such a task could actually be achieved.
Neuralink’s long-term aim is to achieve a “symbiosis” with artificial intelligence via the means of a device that Musk has termed “neural lace.”
At the 2016 Code Conference, Musk stated that it would be “a digital layer; sort of a third layer above the cortex [of the brain]” which would help strengthen human capabilities with a focus on our knowledge output.

Musk, who is known for his eccentric nature in science and technology, is still deemed a genius entrepreneur and one of the most influential people alive in the world. Constantly diversifying into different fields, he is one of the most significant contributors to contemporary science.
But irrespective of his brilliance, whether Musk and Neuralink can truly fulfill every nerd’s fantasy by creating Jurassic Park remains to be seen.
Source: Twitter
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