Chapter 92 of Dragon Ball Super marks the official manga adaptation of the famous movie Dragon Ball Super: Superhero. The chapter is filled with a lot of action sequences, which, personally, I was really missing as the previous chapters were not action focused.
Also, we see the first appearance of Broly in the Dragon Ball Super manga, which is really cool, to see our hero’s interaction with Broly and training him so that he does not go berserk.
For me, this chapter was a 3.5 out of 5. The fight scenes are exciting, but there was nothing new for readers who have already seen the Superhero movie, but as we wait for the next chapter, here is all the information you need to know.
1. Chapter 93 Discussion
In the next chapter of Dragon Ball Super, we will see both Goku and Broly go head-to-head in sparring. Also, the next chapter will have flashbacks from the previous movies, Dragon Ball Super: Broly.
While the chapter is a direct adaptation of Dragon Ball Super: Superhero Movie, there are now more details about things, and they are better explained.
2. Chapter 93 Release Date
Chapter 93 of the Dragon Ball Super manga has been released on Thursday, May 18, 2023. The chapter title has not been leaked yet.
I. Is Dragon Ball Super manga on a break this month?
No, Chapter 93 of Dragon Ball Super is not on a break this month and will be released as per the schedule.
3. Raw Scans and Leaks
The chapter opens with Goku and Broly battling each other as the narrative describes Broly’s power and upbringing. He spent many years with his father, who was plotting vengeance against King Vegeta for what he had done to him. They were discovered years later by Lemo and Cheelai, and his father believed they were finally being saved.
The chapter shows what we saw in the Broly film, with Frieza killing Broly’s father and Broly obtaining infinite power as a consequence. He returns to the planet he was on after his defeat and begins living with Lemo and Cheelai.
To Goku’s amazement, he begins to enter the Super Saiyan phase in the present. Goku declares that he cannot lose control in this manner, and Broly apologizes. We can see Vegeta focusing and closing his eyes. Goku claims that he has been meditating for too long and that his body will stiffen.
Vegeta tells him to shut up, and Goku remarks on how much he’s changed; he never imagined Vegeta could do anything like that. Vegeta answers by noting that defeating all those powerful adversaries taught him something.
4. Chapter 92 Recap
Chapter 92 of Dragon Ball Super continues the manga adaptation of last year’s hit SuperHero Movie. When Dr. Hedo’s new nefarious creation, Gamma 2, engages Piccolo in battle, the Namekian hero shows off his abilities, including limb regeneration and extending arms. And this would only be complete with the iconic ditching of his Namekian garb.

Piccolo launches a flurry of attacks, but Gamma 2 dodges them with ease as Piccolo continues to throw punches and launch ki blasts. Gamma 2 counters him and shoots a big blast from his pistol, and Piccolo is caught in the blast.
Gamma 2 thinks that Piccolo is dead and starts to go back, but Piccolo survives and strategizes to follow him as they are too dangerous to roam free.

This defeat sends Piccolo on a stealthy infiltration mission to Red Ribbon’s headquarters, where he discovers two Gamma series androids, a replica of Cell, and that Bulma and the Z Fighters are in Red Ribbon’s crosshairs.
Piccolo then embarks on a futile search for the superior fighters, only to discover Majin Buu is asleep and Goku and Vegeta are in Beerus’ world training. The story then shifts to show Goku and Broly sparring on the divine planet. Both Broly and Goku engage in serious sparring, with both not intending to lose, and Goku tells Broly that he needs to master his energy if he does not want to go on another rampage.

The highlights of this chapter are getting our first look at Cell Max and Broly, and the legendary Super Saiyan himself making his first canonical manga appearance.
5. About Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super came into serialization in June 2015, edited and illustrated by Akira Toriyama and his protege Toyotaru, respectively.
Dragon Ball Super takes the DB universe to another level by introducing the long asleep God of Destruction, Beerus.
Beerus initially decided to decimate Earth but postpones his plans when discovering the fantastic food he had never eaten. He also hopes to fight Super Saiyajin God one day.
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