Dragon Ball is a classic action anime franchise and is a name that is known to otaku and non-otaku alike. It is one of those ground-breaking and rare anime, which has kept fans entertained for decades.
It is not just the fabulous action that grips the attention of viewers and readers alike; it is also the ability to break through the expectations of the audience that has made the anime/manga so long-lived.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes is an original net animation which was created by Toei Animation instead of mangaka, Akira Toriyama. It is different from the original series in terms of the environment setting as well as a combat-only plot.
Goku and Vegeta attained the Super Saiyan 4 form first in Dragon Ball GT. This form is a combination of the innate Golden Great Ape power and the Super Saiyan power. The result is a humanoid appearance with compressed superpowers.
A preview of Episode 6 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes has arrived, and it teases Goku surpassing the Super Saiyan 4 form.
According to the episode preview, the real Goku, Vegeta, and all the other heroes present will project their power onto Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta.
With that extra power, both of them will evolve from their Super Saiyan 4 state and start glowing in another color altogether. The new form makes Goku glow in white.
In episode 4 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Creation Saga, Janemba is faced with Xeno Goku, Xeno Vegeta, the Goku and Vegeta from the original timeline as well as the others.
However, it seems like all these great powers may not be able to defeat Janemba at his current state.
Now that all the heroes have reached a stagnant point, the need of the hour is more power. Xeno Goku and Vegeta seem to be the only individuals who can handle the forces of everyone else.
This way of endowing one’s powers is very similar to what Goku did during his battle with Frieza and Buu, the Genki-dama or Spirit bomb attack.

The only difference is that while Goku sought to gather the necessary energy, Xeno Goku and Vegeta are entrusted/endowed with it.
Will this level up be enough to fight against Janemba? Only the next episode can tell.
About Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super came into serialization in June 2015, edited and illustrated by Akira Toriyama and his protege Toyotaru, respectively.
Dragon Ball Super takes the DB universe to another level by introducing the long asleep God of Destruction, Beerus. Beerus initially decides to decimate Earth but postpones his plans when he discovers the fantastic food he had never eaten and hopes to fight Super Saiyajin God one day.
Source: Episode 6 preview
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