Sweet Tooth season 1 was loved by all and left us all with so many unanswered questions. But one question that we all want an answer to is, does sweet tooth have a happy ending? Does Gus, aka sweet tooth, grow up?
Through season 1, we’re taken on different journeys of all the characters who, in my opinion, are protagonists in their own right. Each of them has their own battles to fight but what brings them together is what they believe in.
They believe in humanity. They believe in making the world a more inclusive and much much better place. And it is this quest of each character that we follow. In fact, I was so invested in these characters that I so wanted them to have a happy ending by the end.
They had been through enough and faced enough struggles that it was high time they got their happily ever after. But, does that happen? Does Sweet Tooth have a happy ending? Does he grow up?
Gus grows up to be a ten-year-old, and Sweet Tooth season 1 has a bittersweet but hopeful ending. Birdie is still alive, Big Man and Aimee prepare to rescue the hybrids, and Sweet Tooth meets the hybrids he can call family.
1. The Unfortunate Circumstances

In the season finale, things do start to fall apart for all the characters. While Dr. Aditya’s moral dilemma leaves him in despair, the Last Men capture all the hybrids from Aimee’s zoo.
The Last Men shoot big Man, aka Jepperd, and they take away Sweet Tooth, too, while Bear remains oblivious to this.
All the hybrids, along with Sweet Tooth, are caged in the same zoo where they were once free. So now they just wait for their fate of being tortured and experimented on.
2. A Ray Of Hope
You’ve heard of those cliché sayings, right? The night is darkest before dawn.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Well, call it that or whatever you think fits. Not everything is as bad as it seems. Each of those characters still has a shot at the happily ever after. Here’s how!
Birdie is still alive! I know, right. But come on, we all saw it coming, didn’t we? It turns out she is in Alaska researching something and isn’t dead. So that’s a good sign.
Big Man is shot but is not dead yet. He is pretty hard to kill! Thanks to Aimee, he is now safe, and they now prepare to battle the Last Men and rescue their children.
Yes! Things don’t look that great for Sweet Tooth in the dungeon/cage. But it is the first time in his life he sees so many other hybrids. Each of them unique in its own way. For the first time in his life, he doesn’t feel out of place. Now, he knows there are so many more just like him. So many more that are now HIS family.
So I guess in more than one way, it’s not the end, at least not yet. There’s still hope for all these characters and for us, too, because there needs to be a season 2! I mean, you can’t leave all these stories mid-way, right?

So while we all wait, I’m going to go re-watch the show. You should too, maybe you’ll find some clues as to how the second season will unfold if there’s one – keeping my fingers crossed!
3. About Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth is an American fantasy drama series based on Jeff Lemire’s comics of the same name. It is adapted by Netflix and was released on June 4th, 2021.
The series is produced by Warner Bros. TV in association with Team Downey, Jim Mickle, and Beth Schwartz. The series will star Christian Convery as Gus.
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