Sweet Tooth is a warm sci-fi fantasy series about a hybrid (half-human/half-animal) child named Sweet Tooth, born amidst a global pandemic called ‘The Sick’ and lived with his father in the forest away from the chaotic world.
The story follows Sweet Tooth as he goes in search of his mother in the post-apocalyptic world. But the path he treads is filled with treacherous traps and devious people who claim it is the hybrids who caused the Sick. Do he and his father surpass and survive all the obstacles, or do they die? Well, look no further. I’m here to tell you that.
Sweet Tooth does not die but is captured and caged by the Last Men when he goes in search of his mother. His father dies of the Sick after living with him for ten years in a forest.
1. Sweet Tooth’s Dad’s Death
The beauty of Sweet Tooth (the show) lies in the fact that it brings together so many characters and stories together yet is simple, pleasant, and feel-good. Just like any other series/film for kids, it has moments of happiness and sadness.

One such moment is Sweet Tooth’s father’s death. His father brought him to the forest far, far away from the rest of the world to protect him from what was out there. Governments had crumbled down, people had gone into a frenzy, and there was absolute hysteria after the Sick devoured the world.
There was no going back since nobody knew what caused it, how it could be cured, or how people could protect themselves. Coincidentally, at the same time, hybrids were born. All the newborn babies turned out to be part animals and part humans.
Know what they say “Humans fear the things they don’t understand.” And as a result, they feared the hybrids and blamed them for causing the Sick!
To protect Sweet Tooth from everything that followed, his father brought him to a forest where they lived for ten long years. His father taught him how to speak, read, and survive (if he sees humans).
Unfortunately, his dad caught the Sick, and he passed away soon, leaving Sweet Tooth all alone.
*I need a second because this part really gets to me.*
2. The Adventures Of Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth’s father had never talked much about his mother, but while he was on his death bed, he mentioned his mother – Birdie! He says she is in Colorado, but at the same time, he has constantly warned Sweet Tooth about not crossing the fence ever.

So as circumstances would have it, Sweet Tooth meets a person he calls ‘Big Man’ who saves him from hunters who try to capture him. And then, along with Big Man, Sweet Tooth sets off on a quest to find his mother.
In a series of events that follow, Sweet Tooth goes through many obstacles as he crosses paths with different people – some good and some bad. He makes a few friends and tries to survive the encounters with the enemies with Big Man’s help.
As one thing leads to another, he finally finds himself in Colorado, where his mother lived but isn’t there anymore. Nobody knows where she is, and she is presumed dead.
As fate would have it, Sweet Tooth gets captured by the so-called ‘Last Men’ who search for and cage all hybrids. They believe that the cure to the Sick lies in the genes of these hybrids but have no proof to support these claims.
A terrified Sweet Tooth is met with a doctor while still sitting in the tiny cage, and just as the doctor was about to take him out, he speaks. The doctor finds this incredibly miraculous because speaking hybrids have never been seen before.

Call it luck or serendipity or maybe fate’s will. The doctor decides not to kill Sweet Tooth and asks the Last Men to lock him up among the others, saying that he needs more time with Sweet Tooth.
And thus, Sweet Tooth remains alive and healthy at the end of Season 1!
3. Who Are Sweet Tooth’s Mom And Dad?
Sweet Tooth technically has no mom or dad. *Yeah! Read that again.*
Birdie is a genetic scientist who creates Sweet Tooth aka G.U.S. aka Genetic Unit Series 1 as an experiment for the good of humanity. Unfortunately, the show doesn’t reveal much about what that ‘good’ is.
On the other hand, Gus’s father is Richard, a janitor in the same lab where Birdie works. A chance encounter between them occurs, and they instantly hit it off. However, on the same night as their first date, Birdie’s lab is being ransacked by government officials, and she can’t risk Sweet Tooth being captured by them because they will conduct experiments on him and torture him.
So to protect Sweet Tooth, she gives Richard the responsibility to protect Sweet Tooth while she stalls the government officials.
And it is after this, Richard brings Gus to the forest to protect him from the entire world! Perhaps in a way, they both did what real parents would do – protect their child!
*This time, you should take a second to absorb it all!*
4. Is Sweet Tooth’s Mom Alive?

Birdie’s friend tells Gus, Big Man, and another friend that Birdie had left years ago searching for Gus but never returned. So, in a way, she is presumed dead.
However, in the last scene of the Season 1 finale, we see Birdie enter a tent-like structure from the outside. It is shown that she is in Alaska, perhaps doing more research on her subject, and is very much alive!
5. About Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth is an American fantasy drama series based on Jeff Lemire’s comics of the same name. It is adapted by Netflix and was released on June 4th, 2021.
The series is produced by Warner Bros. TV in association with Team Downey, Jim Mickle, and Beth Schwartz. The series will star Christian Convery as Gus.
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