A Plague Tale: Requiem, the latest installment of the “A Plague Tale” franchise developed by Asobo Studio, was officially released on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. It follows the story of Amicia and Hugo de Rune, who are looking for a cure for Hugo’s blood disease while escaping from the soldiers of the Inquisition and hordes of dangerous rats spreading bubonic plague.
Moreover, A Plague Tale: Requiem is a massive game, entailing lots of finding and collecting. Hence, players may miss out on several things in a single playthrough. Also, since the game’s plot is quite gripping from beginning to end, a few of you’d be left wanting to experience all of it over again.
Thanks to an exciting feature in this title, unavailable in A Plague Tale: Innocence, players can replay all chapters of the game and set out on a journey to gather missed collectibles. In addition, this feature will serve to quench the thirst of players looking for a more challenging rerun by increasing enemy difficulty.
Fortunately, A Plague Tale: Requiem does have New Game Plus. You can switch to New Game Plus after completing the 16 main chapters and the epilogue in the game. Once you’ve completed the chapters and epilogue, head to the slot containing the completed save game and click on the “Create NG+” option in the bottom right corner.
Here’s more about the post-game content and starting a new game in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
Does A Plague Tale: Requiem have post-game?
Technically, there is no post-game in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Once you reach Hugo’s burial site and interact with the burial mound in the epilogue, the 17th chapter, the final cutscene plays, following which the end credits start rolling. After the credits, a post-credits scene appears, and the game end, taking players back to the main menu.
The game’s main story consists of 16 chapters and a mini-chapter in the form of an epilogue. Upon beating the main chapters, you’ll enter into the epilogue, where Amicia will ask you to visit Hugo’s burial site. Make your way to the burial site and interact with the mound, making way for the final cutscene.
Subsequently, the end credits scene will roll, followed by a mysterious post-credits scene showing a baby’s arm. Then, the screen will turn white, and the message “Adventure Completed” will get displayed. Lastly, you’ll return to the main menu, implying the lack of post-game in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
However, players can use the “Chapter Selection” feature to jump into the various completed chapters to explore their corresponding regions, gather collectibles, or replay them.
Can you still play A Plague Tale: Requiem after you complete the game?
Although there is no post-game content in A Plague Tale: Requiem, you can still play the game after beating its main story. As mentioned above, once you’ve completed the plot, you can use the “Chapter Selection” feature to revisit chapters to explore the map, collect items, etc.
Follow the steps to continue playing the game using the “Chapter Selection” feature after beating the main story in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
- Open the Main Menu
- Click on the “Chapter Selection” option below “Continue.”
- Navigate to the chapter you wish to replay or explore further.
- Select the specific stage of the chapter you wish to reach.
- Confirm your selection depending on your gaming platform.
Furthermore, you can switch to New Game Plus after completing the game. Nevertheless, it’s not exactly an extension of the first playthrough since it’s a separate campaign, with progress from the first run being carried over to this one.
What to do in A Plague Tale: Requiem after you complete it?
After completing A Plague Tale: Requiem, you can find many things to do in the game. You can start by gathering all the collectibles, such as the 20 Souvenirs and 12 Hugo’s Collections, which consist of feathers and flowers. Additionally, you can spend time trying to unlock all types of skills and upgrades in the game.
The following are the various skills you can unlock in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
- Prudence – Light Footstep, Nimbleness, Throwing Stance, Armour Piercer
- Aggressive – Grappler, Recovery, Vital Points, Quick Fingers
- Opportunism – Alchemy Knowledge, Nothing Lost, Material Division, Pure Product
The various upgrades you can unlock in A Plague Tale: Requiem are as follows.
- Sling
- Crossbow
- Alchemy
- Gear
- Instruments
- Bracer
Besides, the ending explained in the previous sections is only one of the two possible endings in the game. Hence, players can spend considerable time achieving the second ending after completing A Plague Tale: Requiem.
On top of that, the game encompasses several unlockable achievements and trophies, 36 in total. So, fulfilling objectives to unlock these achievements and trophies will help you prepare before switching to New Game Plus.
What happens when you start a new game in A Plague Tale: Requiem?
A fresh campaign with zero progress begins when you start a new game in A Plague Tale: Requiem. Your progress in this new game gets stored on one of the many empty saved game slots. However, you can also erase data on a previously occupied saved game slot and start a new game on it.
Nonetheless, if you want to begin A Plague Tale: Requiem’s campaign from the beginning, but with the gears and items you obtained in the last completed campaign, New Game Plus is the way to go!
It’s important to note that the only time you can start a new game directly from the main menu is right before your first playthrough, after installation. This is the only time the “New Game” option appears on the main menu. It disappears after you begin your first campaign and store your first saved game.
About A Plague Tale: Requiem
A Plague Tale: Requiem, developed by Asobo Studio and published by Focus Entertainment, is the sequel to the 2019 title, A Plague Tale: Innocence. The game follows Amicia and her ill brother Hugo in a battle to defeat a supernatural curse, using an array of weapons, tools, and unearthly powers.
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