It is never a true Carrington affair without everything going wrong and we Dynasty fans know it! With season four on the run, the Carrington’s are not far from drama and trouble, yet again!
And when it comes to our beloved long-lost child, Adam “there’s something wrong with me” Carrington nothing can be a smooth sail with his multiple personalities. Honestly, I do find Adam’s character pretty interesting, not as interesting as Fallon though. I mean c’mon, who wouldn’t fall in love with Liz Gillies.
With Adam dating Kirby it was rather expected out of Joseph to find out the truth about his past. Joesph investigated Adan this to make his daughter realize that Adam is not the right choice for her. So how did it end?
After seeing Kirby lying in front of Adam covered in blood, does Anders kill Adam Carrington?
Does Joseph Anders Kill Adam?
Joesph does not kill Adam in Dynasty season 2. After blaming Adam for Kirby getting stabbed, Joseph does point a gun on his head saying if Kirby does not live, neither will Adam. But in the next episode, we see that he did not shoot the deranged boyfriend and they took Kirby to the hospital.

While that was within expectations (they wouldn’t just kill-off Adam like that), it was quite anti-climactic for me. Adam even shoved his birth mother, Alexis’s face in the fire after which she had to undergo surgeries to get her battered face fixed. I wouldn’t have blamed Joseph for shooting the psycopath.
Here’s what actually happened in the second episode, Evan Tate a.k.a Fallon’s ex-boyfriend tries to sabotage her wedding with Liam. In the process, Evan comes across Kirby and asks her where he can find Falcone.
Naturally, Kirby does not budge and tries to escape. But unfortunately, Tate catches hold of her and stabs her, leaving her bleeding to death. Luckily, Adam spots a bloody handprint on time and finds Kirby before it is too late.
This is when Joseph Anders finds Adam with Kirby’s injured body and thinks he is the one who stabbed her. He points his gun at Adam, but finally does not shoot him as it is revealed in episode three.
Does Adam die?
Adam Carrington is alive, for now. But he did come quite close to getting blinded during season three, when he was victim to a massive explosion caused by Dominique to take revenge on Adam and Blake.

Many fans are of the opinion that he should have been blinded after that explosion considering the amount of harm, he has caused to everyone around. He is a psychopath after all – from killing his foster mother to burning his birth mother’s face, it is plain dangerous to have him around.
Could it be possible that we might see Adam’s character growing into a rather mature guy who doesn’t seek revenge on people he claims to love? We sure have to wait a long time before we see such character development, that too in a show like Dynasty.
Is Kirby Going To Die In Dynasty?
Kirby survives in Season 4 Episode 3 of Dynasty. It is revealed in the next episode that she has survived being stabbed by Evan Tate on Fallon and Liam’s wedding day. So as of writing this piece, no, Kirby is not dead.
But is she going to die? Dynasty is not over yet, so we have to wait and watch to know what is coming up. But after Kirby recovers in Season 4, things get quite better between Joseph and Adam, her father and boyfriend.
Although with Alexis standing right behind her back, we never know when she’ll get stabbed. After all she went as far as inviting Kirby’s ex all the way from Australia with the intent of getting kirby out of her son’s life.

After seeing the chemistry between Kirby and her ex, I am sure Adam is going to feel super jealous and angry. We all know what happens when Adam feels these humanly emotions, so all I want to say now is Run Kirby Run!
About Dynasty
Dynasty is a prime-time television soap opera based on the 1980s series of the same name. It follows the lives of the Colbys and the Carringtons, two of the richest families in America. Their children fight for control over the company’s fortune, and the show reveals the dark underbelly of backroom deals that shape corporations.
The story unfolds primarily through two women at war, Fallon and Cristal, who are the daughter and fiancée respectively of Blake Carrington, owner of the Carrington Atlantic.
Dynasty was developed for The CW by Josh Schwartz, Stephanie Savage, and Sallie Patrick.
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