Berserk has become one of the most popular and influential manga series ever. The main reason for the immense popularity of the series is undoubtedly its protagonist-antagonist duo, Guts and Griffith.
While the duo seemed like inseparable brothers at the start of the series, everything changed on the night of Eclipse. What Griffith did to Guts had me shaken to my core.
Bro lost his right arm and eye, and even the love of his life was taken from him in a gruesome manner.
What Guts has had to go through up to this point is unbelievable, and these events have made fans wonder when Guts will complete his revenge by killing Griffith.
In this article, I will tell you when and whether Guts will ever kill Griffith to complete his revenge. Let’s get started!

1. Will Guts beat Griffith by the end of the series?
Guts will kill Griffith by the end of the manga to complete his revenge. Guts will achieve his mission with the help of the Skull Knight and the Moon Child.
The relationship between Guts and Griffith is one of the most dynamic and turbulent in the series, as it shifts from friendship to rivalry to hatred.
After defeating him in a duel, they first met when Griffith recruited Guts into his mercenary group, the Band of the Hawk.
Their bond was shattered when The God Hand offered Griffith a chance to join them and fulfill his dream, but at a terrible price: he had to sacrifice the lives of his comrades, the Band of the Hawk, to the horde of demons that emerged from the Eclipse, and Griffith agreed.

He is reborn as Femto, the fifth member of the God Hand. He then raped Casca, Guts’ lover and the only other survivor of the Eclipse, in front of him as a final act of betrayal and humiliation.
Guts survived the ordeal but lost his right eye and left arm and was branded with a mark that attracted evil spirits to him.
He swore to kill Griffith and embarked on a quest for revenge, armed with a massive sword called the Dragon Slayer and a mechanical prosthetic arm that concealed a cannon.

Along the way, He also encountered new enemies, such as the Apostles, former humans who sold their souls to God’s Hand for power, and Ganishka, the emperor of the Kushan, and a rogue Apostle who opposes Griffith.
Meanwhile, Griffith used his new powers and influence to create a new Band of the Hawk, composed of humans and Apostles.
He then built a utopian city called Falconia, where he welcomed refugees from the chaos and destruction caused by the merging of the physical and astral worlds, a phenomenon that he triggered by defeating Ganishka in a colossal battle.

Guts and Griffith have crossed paths several times since the Eclipse but have not fought each other directly. Guts has been focused on protecting Casca, who lost her sanity and memory due to the trauma of the Eclipse.
He has also gained new weapons and abilities, such as the Berserker Armor, a cursed suit of armor that enhances his strength and speed, but at the cost of his pain and reason, and the ability to use celestial elements, such as fire and wind, with the help of Schierke’s magic.
On the other hand, Griffith has been pursuing his dream of creating his kingdom and has shown little interest or emotion towards Guts.
He claims that he has no regrets or remorse for his actions. He has also demonstrated his immense power and authority, such as manipulating causality, bending space and time, and commanding legions of humans and demons.
However, he has also shown some signs of vulnerability, such as being affected by the moonlight, which reminds him of his former human self, and being unable to harm the child that he shares a body with, known as the MoonChild.

2. How Will Guts Kill Griffith
Killing a member of God’s Hand is no joke, considering that they are literal Gods that rule over the world.
Still, Guts has always accomplished the impossible and has a few ways to kill Femto, a.k .a. Griffith.
- The Sword Of Actuation
The Skull Knight has hinted at a possible way to defeat them by using a special sword called the Sword of Actuation that can cut through the layers of reality, making it possible to kill Griffith.
3. The Rebellion of the Apostles
Some members of the Apostles are loyal to Griffith but also have their agendas and personalities.
Some of them, such as Zodd, Grunbeld, and Irvine, have shown respect and curiosity towards Guts and have even fought alongside him against common enemies.
Others, such as Locus, Rakshas, and Rosine, have shown hostility and malice towards him and have tried to kill him. Depending on their whims and interests, they could hinder Guts and the apostles in support of Guts.
4. Who is stronger: Guts or Griffith?
I. Initial Encounters
When Guts and Griffith first met, Griffith was the superior fighter. He mortally wounded Guts with seemingly little effort. Despite Guts using his absurdly heavy two-handed broad sword, Griffith could still block and parry with his one-handed rapier (rapier XD).
This showed that Griffith was skilled and powerful.
II. The Turning Point
But when Guts decided to leave the Band of Falcons, Guts won the fight, marking a significant shift in their power dynamics. But the rivalry didn’t end there.
After the Eclipse, Griffith sacrificed his Band of Falcons to become a demon known as Femto, a member of the God Hand and became vastly stronger than Guts.
5. The Current Standings
Despite Femto’s incredible power, Guts became more powerful, especially with the Dragonslayer, the Berserk armor, and the canon arm.
However, in the manga, Femto has defeated Guts multiple times, making him more powerful.
As of now, Griffith, in his form as Femto, appears to be stronger. However, Guts has shown significant progress; with time, he might be able to match, or even surpass, Griffith.
6. About Berserk
Berserk is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. As of May 2021, the Berserk manga had over 50 million copies in circulation, including digital versions, making it one of the best-selling manga series of all time.
Guts, the protagonist of the manga is a former mercenary who is also known as the Black Swordsman. He has a traumatic childhood and is also betrayed by the person who he learns to trust the most.
He is marked for death and his curse attracts demons to him. His quest is riddled with misfortune and darkness while he tries to seek revenge against his betrayer.
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