Sweet Tooth, aka Gus, embarks upon an adventure when he goes in search of his mom. And just like any adventure, this one’s a roller coaster ride, too, with its highs and lows. One such low is when Gus loses Dog (Yes! That’s what he calls his dog). So does he find Dog (his dog)?
When Gus and his father live in the woods, his dad can’t really get him a real dog. So instead, he stitches him, one that is made with cotton and wool. So it’s not an actual dog but a doll.
Nonetheless, Gus loves it with all his heart. To him, it’s as real as a pet and one of the few things he can remember his father by. However, because of a silly mistake, Gus loses his pet inside a train while he’s with Big Man and Bear.
Amongst all the little mishaps and challenges that Gus faces, I think this was the one that stood out for me. Not just because it had an incredible fight scene or took the plot to a whole new level, but simply because it took Gus and Big Man’s relationship to another level. Moreover, it also changed the way Bear saw Big Man, aka Tommy Jepperd!
Don’t worry. I won’t make you wait any longer because I know you’re super eager to know if sweet tooth finds Dog or not.

Yes! Dog is found, but it is Big Man who finds it lying in the train compartment with a few Last Men. Despite that, Big Man goes in, picks up Dog. He then fights them off and returns Dog safely to Sweet Tooth.
So circumstances lead Sweet Tooth, Big Man, and Bear to a train that is going to Colorado. Though they miss it the first time, they managed to jump onto it while it’s still running. But the mini-adventure doesn’t end there.
While Gus and Bear are having a heartfelt conversation on the train, Gus opens his bag to introduce Bear to his pet Dog. And just as he does so, he is shocked to find out that Dog isn’t there and he’s lost him.
Almost immediately, he starts panicking and runs from compartment to compartment in search of Dog. What makes it worse is Big Man hears some men walk towards their compartment and thus begins yet another game of hiding.
Big Man, Bear, and Gus start running towards the end of the train and reach the last compartment. While wondering what to do next, Big Man takes a peek at the previous compartment and sees Dog lying there next to some cargo.
A choice had to be made – Dog or survival. Big Man chooses Dog and enters into the compartment while the Last Men are still there. He casually picks up Dog, greets the Last Men, and starts walking back.

If only it were that easy, right? The Last Men stop and question him. Of course, he gets caught and now starts fighting off the men. After a brawl-like sequence and help from a former friend, Big Man safely returns Dog to Sweet Tooth. However, the three can’t stay on the train any longer and hence jump off of it, reaching Colorado!
It was a simple scene, but the choice made all the difference. Until then, Big Man treated Gus like an unwanted burden with little care for him, and for the first time, we see him have a strong connection with Gus!
It’s moments like these that made me love the show. There’s simplicity, yet there’s this profoundness of human relationship depicted in the show. If you haven’t watched it yet, well, what are you waiting for!
About Sweet Tooth
Sweet Tooth is an American fantasy drama series based on Jeff Lemire’s comics of the same name. It is adapted by Netflix and was released on June 4th, 2021.
The series is produced by Warner Bros. TV in association with Team Downey, Jim Mickle, and Beth Schwartz. The series will star Christian Convery as Gus.
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