Grab your sonic screwdrivers. It seems that the Doctor needs our help! In the latest teaser for the upcoming Season 13, the Doctor interrupts a live BBC broadcast.
The screen fizzles with colored TV static, Jodie Whittaker’s face slowly appearing. A little panicked, the Doctor asks, “Can you hear me?” before the screen goes back to normal, playing a commercial for British game show Blankety Blank.
Watch it here:
This isn’t the first time the Doctor has surprise-hijacked a live broadcast. A Twitter user was kind enough to compile a GIF of Ten, Eleven, and Twelve doing the same. It is one cool marketing trick, I agree.
The teaser is but a few seconds long, yet the message couldn’t be clearer — BBC is going full steam ahead for Season 13 promos and won’t spare any expense. This surprise teaser during a primetime spot speaks for itself.
Their efforts to hype up the season are understandable. Doctor Who is one of their longest-running legacies, and reception in recent years hasn’t been all too good. Nevertheless, fans are hoping that this season which will be Whittaker’s final bow as the Doctor, will be a better one.
Doctor Who has somewhat followed the same format since its revival in 2005. The thirteenth season, however, will only be six episodes long and will consist of one overarching storyline. This is, once again, unlike its predecessors, which tackled a new villain/problem each episode.

This season will see the return of Yaz (Mandip Gill) and the introduction of new companion Dan Lewis played by John Bishop. Most likely, Bishop’s character will be the transition companion for the new Doctor as well.
To make up for the missing episodes, Whittaker’s Doctor will be carried forward in three Specials, the first of which will be broadcast on New Year, 2022. The second one will air in the early months of 2022. The final one, in which the Doctor will regenerate, will air towards the latter half of 2022 as part of BBC’s centenary celebrations.
Stay tuned for Doctor Who Season 13 release date and full-length trailer!
About Doctor Who
Doctor Who is a British sci-fi TV program produced by the BBC since 1963. The series aired from 1963-89 and was then again revived in 2005.
The program depicts the adventures of a Time Lord called “The Doctor,” an extraterrestrial being who appears to be human. The Doctor explores the universe in a time-traveling spaceship called the TARDIS. With various companions, the Doctor combats foes, saves civilizations, and helps people in need.
Over the years, many actors like Jodie Whittaker, William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, and Peter Davidson have played the Doctor. Hartnell was the first actor to be cast as Doctor Who.
Source: Twitter
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