Cythllamon and Hangyomon drown an entire city in episode 60 of Digimon Ghost Game titled “Water Ghost.”
It was an intense and quite scary episode. Cythllamon was a really strong villain, and we got to see a lot of Digimons in this episode. It was actually pretty fun.
Jellymon finally got her mega evolution. She can now evolve from Thetismon to Amphimon, and Amphimon is a funny character. I can’t wait to see more of her.
Here are the latest updates.
Episode 61 Speculations
Dead bodies will be resurrected in episode 61 of Digimon Ghost Game titled “Resurrection.”
The next episode looks depressing and scary at the same time. The stories are evolving, and we are getting some good storylines this time around. Fans are also in doubt about who will be the enemy in the next episode.
Pinocchimon, Vamdemon, Ladydevimon, Gran Dracmon are the names that have come up. Now let’s just wait and see who takes the credit.
Episode 61 Release Date
Episode 61 of the Digimon Ghost Game anime, titled “Resurrection”, has been released on Saturday, Jan 28, 2023.
1. Is Digimon on break this week?
No, Digimon Ghost Game is not on break this week. The episode will be released as per scheduled.
Episode 60 Recap
A hologram ghost attacks a ship that is filled with people partying. When the ship ends up at the bay, the police finds out that everyone is pouring out water from their mouth and ears.
Hiro and his friends have gone to Unigami to visit a shrine. Rain is pouring down even when it wasn’t in the forecast. Angoramon and Jellymon go to check what happened, and suddenly the city starts flooding.
Hiro and his friends start rushing toward high altitude. Some townspeople tell them that it is some kind of curse. Hiro, Kiyo, and Ruri head toward the shrine.

They reach a place that has turned into a lake. As Angoramon gets ready to fly them to the shrine, a giant whale-like monster appears before them. It is called Submarimon. It tells them that it is not the one behind the flooding, it is Hangyomon.
With the help of Submarinmon, they reach the shrine, and there they meet Cthyllamon. Hangyomon also comes there and it is revealed that they did it for Cthyllamon. A sudden water splash affects Ruri and Hiro.
Jellymon evolves into Thetismon. An intense fight ensues, however, Ctyllamon and Hangyomon soon gain the upper hand. Submarimon helps Kiyo, but that doesn’t change anything.

Kiyo sinks into the water, but both Thetismon and Kiyo refuse to give up as the former likes humans, and the latter has to save the world. Thetismon mega evolves into Amphimon.
The battle begins again, and with her super-strong moves, Amphimon defeats Cthyllamon.

About Digimon
Digimon, short for “Digital Monsters,” is a Japanese media franchise offering toy pets, manga, anime, games, films, and even a trading card game. The franchise was created back in 1997 as a series of virtual pets, influenced by Tamagotchi/nano Giga Pet toys.
The franchise gained momentum with its first anime, Digimon Adventure, and an early video game, Digimon World, both of which were released in 1999.
Digimon, the series focuses on monsters like creatures, who inhabit a “Digital World,” a parallel universe that originated from Earth’s various communication networks. Digimon hatch from eggs called Digi-Eggs, and they go through Digivolution, which changes their appearance and increases their powers over time.
The effect of Digivolution, however, is not permanent. Digimon who have digivolved will find most of the time revert back to their previous form after a battle or if they are too weak to continue. Most of them can even speak.
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