Digimon Ghost Game Episode 47 Release Date, Speculations, Watch Online

Oleamon attacks a human in episode 46 of Digimon Ghost Game titled “Queen’s Banquet.”

It was a foodie episode. Digimon was a gourmet queen, and she was desperate to eat humans. She lured a human into her trap but failed to eat him, thanks to our protagonists.

It was an average episode with nothing much to offer. A passable episode overall. Hoping for something different next time.

Here are the latest updates.

Episode 47 Speculations

Shadramon will possess humans  in episode 47 of Digimon Ghost Game titled “Memory of Eternity.”

It looks like just another run-of-the-mill episode. Shadramon will attack and enter human bodies. It asks the question of what will happen when someone else enters someone’s body.

It looks interesting but nothing new. I really wish the anime would try something different. It’s building towards it but taking a long time to do so.

Episode 47 Release Date

Episode 47 of the Digimon Ghost Game anime, titled “Memory of Eternity”, has been released on Saturday, Oct 15, 2022.

1. Is Digimon on break this week?

No, Digimon Ghost Game is not on break this week. The episode will be released as per scheduled.

Episode 46 Recap

A boy peeks at girls swimming at the community center. He goes to the changing room, where a tentacle leaves a mark on his nape.

Hiro is going to swim when the same boy interrupts him and calls him into a room filled with hot water to clean up first. Inside the pool, the boy finds a lot of plant tentacles.

The tentacles attack him and get inside his body. He wakes up, realizing it was a dream. Hiro finds his behavior strange. The boy named Kotaro starts to see plants everywhere. His condition keeps getting worse.

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 47 Release Date, Speculations, Watch Online
The Green Lady | Source: Crunchyroll

At night, a Digimon comes to check on him and leaves without doing anything, saying the next day, he will be complete. Hiro comes to check on him. Hiro, Ruri, and Kiyo take matters into their hand to investigate what is happening to him.

Ruri is searching for some clue when the plant like Digimon tries to leave her mark on her. She catches the plant, forcing Digimon to leave. At night, a flower sprouts out of Kotaro’s nape.

From the Flower emerges a green woman. She takes Kotaro away with her to ‘paradise.’ He moves out of his room. Hiro is keeping a watch on him. He and the other two follow him. He goes inside a deserted hair salon.

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 47 Release Date, Speculations, Watch Online
Giving a Makeover | Source: Crunchyroll

The green woman wants to give his hair a makeover. He shaves himself with a leaf. The trio is attacked by the Hologram Ghost. Angoramon evolves into Symbangoramon, Jellymon into TeslaJellymon, and Gammamon into BetelGammamon.

However, they fail to put up a fight and end up getting hanged in a supermarket. Symbangoramon recognizes the Digimon as Oleamon. She is a gourmet Digimon who only cares about cooking.

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 47 Release Date, Speculations, Watch Online
Digimon on Sale | Source: Crunchyroll

Symbangoramon manipulates and tricks her into talking and breaks free from her friends. Oleamon gets angry and attacks them. Ruri throws a spray at her. She hates the smell of the spray. They defeat her with the help of this spray.

She tells them that she used to serve a human in the digi world who told her about humans. She got desperate to taste them. Turns out that it’s Hiro’s dad Hokuto.

She started an online cooking channel with the help of Clockmon.

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About Digimon

Digimon, short for “Digital Monsters,” is a Japanese media franchise offering toy pets, manga, anime, games, films, and even a trading card game. The franchise was created back in 1997 as a series of virtual pets, influenced by Tamagotchi/nano Giga Pet toys.

The franchise gained momentum with its first anime, Digimon Adventure, and an early video game, Digimon World, both of which were released in 1999.

Digimon, the series focuses on monsters like creatures, who inhabit a “Digital World,” a parallel universe that originated from Earth’s various communication networks. Digimon hatch from eggs called Digi-Eggs, and they go through Digivolution, which changes their appearance and increases their powers over time.

The effect of Digivolution, however, is not permanent. Digimon who have digivolved will find most of the time revert back to their previous form after a battle or if they are too weak to continue. Most of them can even speak.


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