Digimon Ghost Game Episode 11: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online

Episode 10 of Digimon Ghost Game titled “Game of Death” is the series’s latest installment.

This episode of Digimon Ghost Game was quite unique as we saw that the actions taken in the Digiworld could have severe consequences in the real world.

Kinkakumon and Ginkakumon work as a team and hack into a fighting game where they look for expert players and bring them into the virtual world where after losing a fight, they turn into liquor.

Kiyoshirou, a.k.a Kiyo, is an expert himself and manages to transport himself and Hiro into the virtual world, where they defeat the two villains and rescue all the missing players.

We also see Jellymon evolving into Teslajellymon as she fights alongside Kiyo to defeat Kinkakumon.

It will be interesting to see what the future episodes have in store after Jellymon’s evolution into Teslajellymon.   

Episode 11 Speculation

In episode 11, Kamaitachi, a wind that cuts people without notice, will appear. Something is a little different about this Kamaitachi, though. The intensity of this wind that cuts anything and everything is like it is born to slash everything.

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 11: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Digimon Ghost Game | Source: Official Website

Which Digimon is causing this wind to terrorize people, and how will Hiro and his friends defeat it? We’ll find out next time.

Episode 11 Release Date

Episode 11 of the Digimon Ghost Game anime, titled “Kamaitachi”, has been released on Saturday, Dec 18, 2021.

1. Is Digimon Ghost Game on Break this Week?

No, Digimon Ghost Gameis not on a break and will continue as scheduled. No such delay has been announced.

Episode 10 Recap

Episode 10 begins with a boy playing a 2D fighting game when his avatar gets decimated by Kinkakumon. The boy is named Arth and faces the Digimon in a battle after winning 20 matches consecutively in a game called Fighter’s Kingdom.

A rumor goes around that whoever wins 20 games in a row will face a beautiful opponent.

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 11: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Kiyoshirou | Source: Official Website

After this, the player will go missing. One of our protagonists, Kiyoshirou, is addicted to Fighter’s Kingdom but stops playing after the rumor of the players disappearing starts going around.

Hiro warns Kiyo about this game, and the latter tells him that he has already stopped. Hiro then remembers that their dormmate, Kotaro is obsessed with the game too. They rush to his room to stop him, but Kotaro goes missing before they can stop him.

To save their friend, Hiro and the team consult Bokomon, who tells them that the only way to save Kotaro is for them to enter the internet and go to his rescue. He adds that this way isn’t the best since the internet is so vast that it might be impossible to locate their missing friend.

Kinkakumon and Ginkakumon are the villains hijacking the fighting game. Kinkakumon is the beautiful woman doing the fighting, and her brother, Ginkakumon, sucks in the losers and turns them into liquor slowly and steadily.

Having no other idea, Hiro and Ruri decide that the best way to reach Kinkakumon is to actually play the game and win 20 times in a row to encounter her.

Since Kiyo is the only expert at the game, he reluctantly agrees to play. After defeating his opponents 20 times, he finally faces Kinkakumon.

At this point in the battle, Jellymon hacks her way in too and replaces Kiyo’s original avatar to fight with Kinkakumon herself. Jellymon and Kiyo are crushing it, and Kinkakumon is impressed with their ability.

She wants to meet the controller on the other side, so she begins to reach out into the human world through Kiyo’s screen.

Once the Digiworld and human world merge into a virtual space, Kinkaumon is disappointed to find a timid schoolboy behind an extremely powerful avatar. Her presence is so terrifying for Kiyo that he faints.

Meanwhile, Hiro and Gammamon try to fight Ginkakumon and release the missing boys from his captive so that they won’t turn into liquor.

Digimon Ghost Game Episode 11: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Hiro and Gammamon | Source: Official Website

Jellymon tries her best to wake Kiyo up and goes as far as saying that the only reason they were strong in the game was that they were strong together as a team.

Kiyo wakes up, and Jellymon finally evolves into Teslajellymon. They begin fighting as a team and soon defeat Kinkakumon. Keeping their promise, Kinkakumon and Ginkakumon release the missing children and leave after challenging Kiyo to another fight in the future.

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About Digimon

Digimon, short for “Digital Monsters,” is a Japanese media franchise offering toy pets, manga, anime, games, films, and even a trading card game. The franchise was created back in 1997 as a series of virtual pets, influenced by Tamagotchi/nano Giga Pet toys.

The franchise gained momentum with its first anime, Digimon Adventure, and an early video game, Digimon World, both of which were released in 1999.

Digimon, the series focuses on monsters like creatures, who inhabit a “Digital World,” a parallel universe that originated from Earth’s various communication networks. Digimon hatch from eggs called Digi-Eggs, and they go through Digivolution, which changes their appearance and increases their powers over time.

The effect of Digivolution, however, is not permanent. Digimon who have digivolved will find most of the time revert back to their previous form after a battle or if they are too weak to continue. Most of them can even speak.


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