The game between Seido and Sankou is turning hotter than blue blazes as the story of Diamond no Ace picks up the pace.
The last chapter actually skipped inning five completely, and instead of showcasing how skilled the aces of both teams are, it showed them struggling against the bottom of their respective lineup, and it was something that fans didn’t expect.
Honestly, at this point, we don’t even know what to expect from this match as it turns completely unpredictable, and fans speculate that it may even stretch out to the extra innings.
As we anticipate a comeback from the Seido, here are the updates on the next chapter of Diamond no Ace.
1. Chapter 239 Raw Scans and Leaks
We’ve got our hands on the early spoilers of Chapter 239 of Diamond no Ace Act 2 titled ‘High Voltage,’ and they roughly transcribe as follows:
Sawamura continues to deliver his best despite being under a lot of pressure and sends back the starting two of Sankou’s lineup.
Coming up next at 3rd, Miyagawa manages to make contact; however, Sawamura forces Hoshida to ground him to the 2nd baseman and closes the top of 6th without giving up a run.
Mochi comes to bat at the bottom of 6th and even manages to put his bat on the ball with the Slutter.
But he gets grounded out to the pitcher for one out, and Amahisa then strikes out Haruichi for 2 out. Shirasu is next up to bat, and he manages to land a hit to the right field, rounding up to Miyuki once again.
2. Chapter 239 Release Date
Chapter 239 of the Diamond no Ace Act II manga has been released on Thursday, Jan 14, 2021. The chapter title has not been leaked yet.
I. Is Diamond no Ace on Break This Week?
New chapters of the manga have been releasing irregularly with some breaks in-between due to the pandemic’s bartered situation and Mangaka’s health issues.
But for this week, the manga is going to follow the schedule without any delay, with the next chapter getting released on the date mentioned above.
3. Chapter 238 Recap
Chapter 238 picks up from the cliff-hanger where the last chapter left us with Miyuki hitting the ball.

The first baseman, Hoshida, catches it and sends it to second, and it’s one out. However, Amahisa runs to cover first and successfully grounds Miyuki to first base with a double play.
Although the runner advances to third, Seidou now has 2 outs. Amahisa easily retires the 5-hole Maezono on a grounder to third and ends the innings with 3 outs.
Seidou fails to score yet again and due to feeling under pressure, Sawamura ends up worsening his ball counts in the top of 5th against the leadoff, Takami. But he still manages to retire Takami on a grounder to second, earning his team one out.
The following batters, Amahisa and Miyamoto, also retire soon on grounders to second, and Sawamura manages to keep the momentum of his team going.
It’s now bottom of 5th, and Seidou’s batters decide to go opposite of Ichidai’s strategy and aggressively target the inside corner pitches.
However, Amahisa has evolved in this match with his new-found resolve and now has gone so much higher beyond his limits that he earns his team three outs very quickly and ends the inning swiftly.
4. Where to Read Diamond no Ace
But no official online release for the second season is available. However, we encourage our readers to retract from using pirated sites that do not support the industry or the series’ creators.
We will be informing about the Diamond no Ace Act 2’s official release as soon as it comes out, so make sure to keep in touch with us.
5. About Diamond no Ace
Ace of Diamond, also known as Diamond no Ace, is a Japanese shōnen baseball manga series written and illustrated by Yuji Terajima and published by Kodansha. A sequel titled Ace of Diamond Act II started in 2015.

The series follows one Eijun Sawamura, a baseball pitcher with a very unusual changeup pitch that has occurred naturally.
Sawamura plans to go with his friends to a local high school and play baseball to the best of their abilities.
However, one scout from the prestigious Seidou High approaches him and offers him a scholarship and a chnce to make it to the nationals. Sawamura decides to pay a visit to the school, and it changes his entire outlook on the future.
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