Denuvo isn’t the most popular name amongst gamers, thanks to their widely used anti-cheat and anti-hack technologies. Anytime a developer requires an anti-hacking method, Denuvo is the one they turn to.
And now, it seems Sony is teaming up with them as well. Irdeto (Denuvo’s parent company) announced that “it has joined the exclusive PlayStation 5 Tools and Middleware program” to bring Denuvo to the next-gen platform.
Cheating ruins video games for honest players. This can lead to lower engagement, game traffic, and shrinking revenues for game publishers.
We are really proud to be able to help the world’s most talented developers to bring rich experiences for gamers on Playstation 5.
Reinhard Blaukovitsch, Managing Director at Denuvo
Boasting over 2 million game installs and over 1000 games under its protection, Denuvo protects games from being copied illegally and secures “both online gameplay” and “offline progress” (achievements).

The announcement made no mention of anti-tamper and stuck strictly with the language regarding gameplay, which hints that Denuvo’s main role will be to ensure that online games are being played fairly. This is good in more ways than one as Denuvo has a reputation of being quite the performance drainer in its full form. Sony more than likely has a proprietary anti-tamper system in the PS5, so Denuvo most likely isn’t needed for that.
However, even if that is somehow the case, you don’t need to worry much. Most developers tend to stop paying Denuvo’s fees after a point, especially when they see that hackers and cheaters have found exploits for the technology.
About PlayStation
PlayStation is the gaming console brand from Sony, which is on its 5th iteration with the recent launch of PlayStation 5. Envisioned by Ken Kutaragi, the ‘father of PlayStation,’ the first PS console was released in Japan in 1994 with a worldwide release in the following year.
PlayStation is a head-on rival of Microsoft’s Xbox series and offers great exclusive titles which are one of its main USP. The latest release, PS5, has made large improvements over the last generation in hardware and core technologies.
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