Just a few years ago, Deadpool became a successful superhero film, despite being a low-budget, R-rated movie. Ever since Disney acquired Fox in the earlier months of 2019, a lot of questions have surfaced about what would happen to the Ryan Reynolds starrer Deadpool franchise films.
The answer came in the form of an announcement confirming that Deadpool 3 finally received a greenlight, and it will also be a part of the MCU. Kevin Feige, President at Marvel Studios, confirmed in a talk with a media outlet about the WandaVision series.
When Deadpool 3 does happen, it will be as a part of the MCU. The sisters Lizzie Molyneux-Loeglin and Wendy Molyneyux are currently working on the script with Ryan Reynolds overseeing the process.
“It will be rated R and we are working on a script right now, and Ryan’s overseeing a script right now… It will not be [filming] this year,”
Kevin Fiege

“Ryan is a very busy, very successful actor. We’ve got a number of things we’ve already announced that we now have to make, but it’s exciting for it to have begun. Again, a very different type of character in the MCU, and Ryan is a force of nature, which is just awesome to see him bring that character to life,” Fiege said.
Kevin Fiege
However, the filming process is not expected to begin until 2022 at the most, given how Marvel Studios is busy currently, as they are in the filming stage for Thor 4, and Spider-man 3. The Studio will also begin filming for Doctor Strange 2, Black Panther 2 and Captain Marvel 2. The only time we could expect the film in theatres is probably in 2023.
For now, all we know is that the foul-mouthed superhero will retain his R-rated status. However, it will be interesting to see how the superhero movie will fit in with the rest of the MCU, given that none of the previous MCU films has included mutants in their focal discussion.

But then, Deadpool is famous for breaking the fourth wall and talking directly to the audience anyway. So perhaps, his involvement in the MCU will also be meta-textual and humorous. Who knows, maybe we will hear him say, “Am I in a Disney movie?” only R-rated.
About Deadpool 3
Deadpool 3 is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It will be the third installment in the Deadpool franchise films. The threequel will be a part of the MCU.
The film stars Ryan Reynolds, who plays Wade Wilson/Deadpool. Lizzie Molyneux-Loeglin and Wendy Molyneux are currently working on the script, with Ryan overseeing the process.
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