DC’s Suicide Squad Gets an Isekai Twist in a New Anime Series

There’s an exciting announcement for DC fans as DC has officially announced a new anime series for the Suicide Squad, titled Suicide Squad Isekai. 

The project is an unexpected addition to DC’s ventures into anime, following the upcoming My Adventures with Superman, a series featuring Jack Quaid as Superman, which is heavily inspired by anime. 

DC’s Suicide Squad Gets an Isekai Twist in a New Anime Series
Harley Quinn | Source: Twitter

DC revealed on Twitter a new anime series, Suicide Squad Isekai, that introduces an intriguing variation to some of its well-known characters.

Eri Osada of Jujutsu Kaisen fame will direct Suicide Squad Isekai, and WIT Studio will handle the animation. The well-known studio is behind many popular animes, including Attack on Titan, Vinland Saga, and more. 

As the name suggests, the series belongs to the Isekai genre of anime. For the uninformed, this popular anime genre generally features a character, usually an average person with no special abilities, being transported to a different world with fantasy elements. The teaser above shows Harley Quinn and the Joker in that situation.

The teaser also shows Harley Quinn and Amanda Waller in outfits that resemble their DCEU counterparts, but interestingly, the Joker has a very different appearance from Jared Leto’s portrayal. This indicates that the series is not a part of the DCU canon. 

Another indication that Suicide Squad Isekai is not part of the DCU canon is the lack of the DC Studios logo on the teaser trailer.

DC’s Suicide Squad Gets an Isekai Twist in a New Anime Series
Joker and Harley Quinn | Source: Twitter

As per reports by IGN, Suicide Squad Isekai was revealed during a panel at Anime Expo 2023, but DC later posted the news on social media. 

During the reveal, the CEO of WIT Studios, George Wada, requested people to convey to the current CEO of DC Studios, James Gunn, to watch the new anime series, confirming that it is not a part of the DC Universe. 

Meanwhile, Gunn and his co-CEO, Peter Safran, are planning the next decade for the new DC Universe. DC Studios clearly have nothing to do with making Suicide Squad Isekai, but that does not rule out the possibility of a future collaboration. 

Moreover, Gunn has recently shared some disappointing news about Suicide Squad 2. Until Gunn fixes that, DC fans can still look forward to the thrilling Suicide Squad Isekai.

About Suicide Squad ISEKAI

Suicide Squad ISEKAI is a Japanese original series that is being produced by Warner Bros and Wit Studio. It is directed by Eri Osada. It will be composed by Tappei Nagatsuki and Eiji Umehara.

The original story as described by WarnerBros:

“DC’s Harley Quinn, the Joker, and The Suicide Squad rampage onto the stage of ISEKAI* in the new original anime series from Warner Bros. Japan and Wit Studio, Suicide Squad ISEKAI. The most maddening worlds collide in an epic and violent fantasy with the strongest line-up of anime creators!”

Pratyasha Sarkar

Pratyasha Sarkar

Officially a student of literature, but unofficially a defence lawyer of fictional characters. I am mostly either feasting on chocolate chip cookies or binge watching sitcoms. Also, I firmly believe mint ice cream tastes like toothpaste.


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