Dance Dance Danseur Ep7, Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online

In the previous episode, I liked this way of expanding the cast. I can’t say I like Ayako yet, but after seeing SS class, I’m beginning to see why she views ballet as beautiful art. It is apparent to Junpei now that his emotional dancing is too self-centered to work with others at the same time.

Considering Luou can’t read Japanese, it’s kind of funny that all the signs in the train stations are in English but he can’t get home. It appears that he has become a habit of giving up before making any serious attempt at anything other than ballet.

Hopefully, being forced to spend time with Junpei will make Luou more proactive.

Here are the latest updates.

Episode 7 Speculations

Episode 7 of Dance Dance Danseur will be titled “Ah, I’m So Embarrassed”. In this episode, we see that Junpei is embarrassed by his arrogant behavior, and is pointed out many times in the new academy. The dance he used to do was not ballet instead it was just something he enjoyed.

Dance Dance Danseur Ep7, Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Dance Dance Danseur | Source: Official Website

Later he regretted when he was shown around the new academy and he sees an actual ballet performance. He was left stunned and felt deeply sad.

The new episodes will feature lots of adventures.

Episode 7 Release Date

Episode 7 of the Dance Dance Danseur anime has been released on Friday, May 20, 2022. The episode title or preview has not been shown.

1. Is Dance Dance Danseur on Break This Week?

No, episode 7 of Dance Dance Danseur is not on break this week. The episode will be released as per schedule.

Episode 6 Recap

That was an interesting turn of events. Having read the introduction, I expected “Junpei fights to prove his dance is an art and Oikawa is wrong.”. I was rather surprised to find he gets an honest dose of humility instead of vindictiveness.

Dance Dance Danseur Ep7, Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Dance Dance Danseur | Source: Official Website

He does not take it lying down when Oikawa publicly dismisses the performance of the Godai school. He reacted with a loud snarl. After Chizuru said she was keeping Junpei on, the parents of the other students started pulling their kids out of Godai.

In response to this news, Junpei rushes to persuade them to change their minds. When a parent admits that it has something to do with Oikawa’s thoughts on him, he moves on to the next arc: getting Oikawa to notice his dancing. The Junpei is this way. A constant protagonist.

The competition is introduced before Junpei, dragging Luol in tow, barges in and demands Oikawa let them join their summer session. When she immediately said yes, that should have been a bad sign, but I know we’ll work through it. As a result, Junpei learns what he lacks and Luol shows what he can do.

We love Junpei’s prodding after they’ve been demoted to the back, and Luol’s determination to hold on to that anger throughout the session. Rather than the class bringing a splash of reality, the old lady who plays the piano during class does.

Junpei is then taken to the highest rank classes where she explains why he is having trouble keeping up with the music. Now he realizes Oikawa wasn’t completely wrong. Despite her flippant dismissal of the performance, she clearly knows what she’s talking about when it comes to the highest level of ballet.

Dance Dance Danseur Ep7, Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Dance Dance Danseur | Source: Official Website

Junpei does a great job of slashing his ego and taking it to the next level. His motivation is admirable. It felt like a good moment for their relationship when Junpei and Luol were shown in the credits.

Although it brought out Luol’s full potential, he now understands the cost of his adlibbing. Junpei apologizes tearfully, but with a sense of humor, and he invites Luol to come with him tomorrow for day 2. Even though Luol protests, he might show up.

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About Dance Dance Danseur

Dance Dance Danseur is a manga by George Asakura who launched it in the Weekly Big Comic Spirits magazine in 2015.

Junpei is a boy who loves learning piano and wants to learn ballet. However, his father passed away at an early age and due to prejudices towards dancing, he turned away from it and learned martial arts.

Some years have passed and a new transfer student joins his class. She realizes that Junpei is interested in ballet and invites him to practice together.

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