There is a plethora of collectibles in Hogwarts Legacy — in fact, if the word on the street is accurate, there’s over a thousand of them! They can be acquired through various quests, side quests, puzzles and fun activities. One of them, as you’ll notice, will be via opening collection chests.
If you’re someone who’s looking to complete the game a 100% or want to open up every single chest in Hogwarts’s legacy, I’ve got your back with an exhaustive list of all chest locations.
Here’s a complete guide to finding all the chests scattered across Hogwarts Legacy, how to unlock them and the rewards for the same. Let’s go!
How to unlock chests in Hogwarts Legacy?
Chests can be easily opened in Hogwarts Legacy using Alohomora. However, some chests may require you to have a higher level of the spell.
Once you locate a chest, it’s quite easy to open them — the only difficulty you may face is if the chest needs a higher level to be unlocked or if they’re not available yet because you haven’t completed certain quests.
Chest Locations

There are over a hundred chests in Hogwarts Legacy, but thankfully I’ve made a detailed guide about each of their locations, so that you can find them easily. Have a look:
I. . Hogwarts Castle
i. The Astronomy Wing
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle near the Charms Classroom.
- Left corner in the corridor leading to the Charms Classroom.
- Store room on the ground floor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower.
- Roof deck near Professor Ronen’s Office.
- Inside Professor Fig’s Classroom.
- Go to the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame. Then use the door to go upstairs, till you find an Arithmancy Puzzle Door. Solve it and find the chest.
ii. Bell Tower Wing
- Two chests will be at the top of the Bell Tower via the music room.
- Two chests can be found by interacting with the frog statue at the top of the Bell Tower.
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle, located up the stairs from the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.
- Inside a locked room near a large Dragon statue in the Bell Tower Courtyard.
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle inside a locked door in the Bell Courtyard.
- Inside a locked shed, accessible via the Hogwarts North Exit.
- Complete the Depulso Puzzle Room II in the Hieroglyphic Hall.
iii. The Grand Staircase
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle near the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame.
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle above the Grand Staircase Floo Flame.
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle, located south of the Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame.
- Two chests can be found in a locked door across the Headmaster’s Office entrance. This can be accessed only after completing the Hogwarts Secrets hidden quest.
- Inside the Headmaster’s Office.
iv. The Great Hall
- Inside the kitchen near the Hufflepuff Common Room.
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle inside the Great Hall.
- Behind the locked door inside the Great Hall.
v. The Library Annex
- In the Athenaeum.
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle in the Long Gallery, beside the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle behind the Divination Classroom Floo Flame.
- Two chests can be found by solving the Arithmancy door in the Arithmancy classroom.
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle to the left of the fountain by Central Hall.
- Two chests can be found by solving the brazier puzzle near Central Hall Floo Flame.
- Complete the Depulso Puzzle Room I.
vi. Secret Rooms
- Inside a cave in the Vivarium. You can only attempt to find this chest after finishing The Elf, The Nab-Sack, and The Loom quest.
vii. The South Wing
- Inside a Level 3 locked door in the Faculty Tower.
- Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle in the Faculty Tower.
- Go to the second floor of the Clock Tower. Use Arresto Momentum to straighten the two-headed dragon statue and then, unlock the door with the chest.
- At Clock Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, use Arresto Momentum on the pendulum and find the chest, once the horse mural door is unlocked.
II. Hogsmeade Village

- Inside the Level 3 locked house directly across the Waterwheel House.
- Inside a Level 1 locked room at the topmost floor of the Three Broomsticks.
- Go to the South Hogsmeade Floo Flame and take the east alley. Find two chests in the house with a Level 3 lock.
- Inside the Ashwinder Hideout beside Hog’s Head. This can be accessed during the A Basis for Blackmail quest.
III. The Highlands (Open World)
i. Forbidden Forest
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, south of the North Ford Bog Entrance Floo Flame.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp south of the West Forbidden Forest Floo Flame.
- Inside the Small Bandit Camp in the middle of the forest.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp next to a cliff via the West Forbidden Forest Floo Flame.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp on top of a cliff via North Ford Bog Entrance Floo Flame.
- Inside the Horklump Hollow.
ii. Hogsmeade Valley
- House near the Hamlet Shop via Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame.
- First house near the Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame.
- Inside a small house on the outskirts of the village via Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame.
- Second home on the left from Upper Hogsfield Floo Flame.
- Inside a Medium Bandit Camp north of Upper Hogsfield.
- Inside a Medium Bandit Camp north of Upper Hogsfield, near the Overlook Mine.
- Two chests can be found inside the Overlook Mine.
iii. North Hogwarts Region
- Inside a small Bandit Camp in the East North Hogwarts Region.
- Inside a small Bandit Camp in the Forbidden Forest.
- Inside a Bandit Camp near the Korrow Ruins.
- Inside a Bandit Camp near the Korrow Ruins.
- Inside the Korrow Ruins.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp in the north.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, west of the river west via the East North Hogwarts Region Floo Flame.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, south of the the river via the East North Hogwarts Region Floo Flame.
- Inside the Collector’s Cave.
iv. South Hogwarts Region
- Inside a locked house near the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flame.
- Inside a locked house near a vendor in Aranshire.
- Inside the house next to the locked house (described above) in Aranshire.
- Inside a locked house in front of the Aranshire Floo Flame
- Destroy the rubble behind the locked house in Aranshire, you’ll find a chest here.
- In the flowers in Aranshire.
- Besides the door in a locked house in Aranshire.
- Behind the house in Lower Hogsfield.
- Near the broken wheelbarrow in Lower Hogsfield.
v. Hogwarts Valley
- Inside a Bandit Camp which is under another Bandit Camp via he Northern South Sea Bog Floo Flame.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp located above another Bandit Camp via of Keenbridge Floo Flame.
- Inside a small shack west of the Keenbridge Floo Flame.
- Second floor of a locked house in Keenbridge.
- Inside a small room in Keenbridge.
- Location: Inside a locked house in Keenbridge.
- Inside the Mine’s Eye.
- Behind a Level 2 locked door in the Mine’s Eye.
- Inside the Bandit Camp Castle southeast of the Keenbridge Floo Flame.
- Outside a house via the Brocburrow Floo Flame.
- Inside a locked house in Brocburrow.
- Inside an unlocked house in Brocburrow.
- Near a pond via the Brocburrow Floo Flame.
- Inside The Gilded Perch.
- Inside the Dale Family Tomb.
vi. North Ford Bog
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, south of Pitt-Upon-Ford.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp via North Ford Bog Floo Flame.
- Inside a house behind the Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame.
- Inside house Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame. This house has plants and campfire in front of it.
- Inside a house, south of the Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame, after the bridge with the “Beware Spiders” sign.
- Inside a house behind the Hamlet Shop south of the Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp near a lake via the East North Ford Bog Floo Flame.
vii. Feldcroft Region
- Inside the house beside the Windmill in Irondale
- Inside a locked house beside the Hamlet Shop in Irondale.
- Inside a house in the southern part of Feldcroft.
- Near some logs in Feldcroft.
- Inside a small room in Feldcroft.
- Inside a house, northeast of the Irondale Floo Flame.
- Inside the house, west of the Irondale Floo Flame.
- Near the waterfalls northwest of the Irondale Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, northwest of the Irondale Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, southeast of the Feldcroft Catacomb Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, southeast of the Feldcroft Catacomb Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, southwest of the Feldcroft Floo Flame.
- Two chests can be found inside the Bandit Camp Castle, north of the Rookwood Castle Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, northwest of the Rookwood Castle Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, west of the North Feldcroft Floo Flame.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, west of the North Feldcroft Floo Flame.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, northeast of the North Feldcroft Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, south of the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame.
- Two chests can be found inside the Feldcroft Catacomb.
- Two chests can be found inside the Moonstone Garden.

viii. South Sea Bog
- Inside a Bandit Camp, southwest of the East Sea Bog Floo Flame.
- Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame.
- Inside the Tomb of Treachery.
ix. Poidsear Coast
- Inside a Bandit Camp Castle.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, south of Poidsear Castle.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, south of Poidsear Castle.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, the Phoenix Mountain Cave.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, south of the Phoenix Mountain Cave.
- Inside a Small Bandit Camp, south of South Poidsear Coast.
- Two chests can be found inside the Phoenix Mountain Cave dungeon.
x. Marunweem Lake
- Inside the house behind the Marunweem Floo Flame.
- Inside the locked house, north of the Marunweem Floo Flame.
- Two chests can be found inside the locked house, northeast of the Marunweem Floo Flame.
- Two chests can be found behind a level 2 locked door, northeast of the Marunweem Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, southeast of the Marunweem Lake Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, northeast of the Marunweem Lake Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, south of the Coastal Mine Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp. north of the Tower Tunnel Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, west of the Coastal Mine Floo Flame.
- Two chests can be found inside the Tower Tunnel.
- Two chests can be found inside the Coastal Mine.
xi. Cragcroftshire
- Two chests can be found inside a house near the Cragcroft Floo Flame.
- Inside a house up a hill near the Cragcroft Floo Flame.
- Inside of a small house across the Hamlet Shop.
- Inside a Bandit Camp southwest of Cragcroft.
xii. Manor Cape
- Inside Henrietta’s Hideaway.
- North of the Bainburgh Floo Flame.
- Two chests can be found near the southeast of the Bainburgh Floo Flame.
- Inside a store, east of the Bainburgh Floo Flame.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, south of the Bainburgh Floo Flame.
- inside a Bandit Camp southeast of the West Manor Cape Floo Flame.
xiii. Clagmar Coast
- Inside a Bandit Camp, north of Clagmar Castle.
- Inside a Bandit Camp, northwest of Clagmar Castle.
- Treasure Vault, west of Clagmar Castle.
- Two chests can be found Inside a Bandit Camp Castle in Clagmar Castle.
What rewards are found in the chests?
When players successfully find and open chests in Hogwarts Legacy, they are rewarded with wand handles and conjurations.
As you may already know, you’ll require conjurations for the Room of Requirement and the Vivarium. But most of the chest rewards are given at random so you may have to open up a lot of chests to get what you’re looking for.
My advice would be to keep this location guide handy as you’ll know where to look for a chest whenever you’re in a particular area.
About Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG from Avalanche Studio. The game places the player in the wizarding school of Hogwarts, allowing them to witness the iconic locations as a character other than Harry Potter.
The game has an expansive map that makes the game very immersive, even for people who are yet to read the books or watched the movie.
The mysterious, gripping storyline, with the vast areas to explored, either on foot or broomstick, makes it even more real life.
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