Cestvs: The Roman Fighter is an upcoming anime series adapted from the manga by Shizuya Wazarai. Cestvs is the protagonist of the anime and a brave tale of survival is told through him.
The story takes place in the mighty Roman Empire. Although Rome was one of the most influential and progressive empires of the time, it had a dark side.
Slaves served as the entertainment factor sometimes; even a small slave boy had to go through brutal training to learn to survive.
Cestvs: The Roman Fighter anime will premiere in April 2021. The anime will air on the Ultra+ block of Fuji TV. The anime was announced in the “Fuji TV Anime Lineup Press Conference 2020”.
A new trailer for the upcoming anime was also released during the Fuji TV live stream.
The trailer shows the door opening to a fight. Cestvs is seen fighting another slave. The brutal world of slaves fighting other slaves to survive another day is seen in the trailer.
It gives us a glimpse into the harsh world of the slaves and how Cestvs had to undergo rigid training to become one of the best fighters.
A new visual is also released for the anime.
The visual shows Cestvs with cuffs around his neck and wrists. He is perhaps being led to a fight or is waiting to be called upon.
The staff of the anime includes:
Position | Staff | Other Works |
Chief Director | Toshifumi Kawase | Matchless Raijin-Oh |
Producer | Bandai Namco Pictures | Aikatsu Friends |
Music Composer | Masahiro Tokuda, Akihiro Manabe, Yoshiyasu Ueda | Last Hope |
Hiromu Mineta is voicing the character of Cestvs. It is his first time voicing the leading anime character.
About Cestvs: The Roman Fighter
Cestvs: The Roman Fighter is a manga by Shizuya Wazarai. It is getting an anime adaptation in 2021.
Cestvs is a slave in the Roman empire. He is a slave and has been enlisted to train for fighting. He fights slaves in the Colosseum for the entertainment of the richer class.
Source: Fuji TV Anime Lineup Press Conference 2020 live stream
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