
Should You Blackmail Aaron in Cyberpunk 2077? Scrolls Before Swine Quest

Much like most side quests, Scrolls Before Swine in Cyberpunk 2077 forces you to make a tough decision. You work for Aaron here. You will have the option of either giving the recordings to Aaron or blackmail him. Your choice here will determine how easy or challenging the quest gets for you. This guide will tell


Basim Betrays Eivor – Why did he do that? AC Valhalla Explanation

A member of the Hidden One, Basim first befriended Sigured in Constantinople. He was brought over with Hytham to Norway, where he subsequently met with his younger sibling Eivor.
Basim goes way back in the past in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, but that was just part of his


Can Chewie Use The Force And 15 Other Lesser Known Facts About The Wookiee

The seven-foot hairy bi-ped from Star Wars we know as Chewie — short for Chewbacca, or Han Solo’s co-pilot, a partner in crime, and BFF — has been nothing short of a pop culture icon for the last four decades. He singlehandedly put the entire hirsute-humanoid Wookiee clan of the blockbuster franchis…


Han Solo Timeline and 10 More Mysteries Revealed

As the 11th standalone Star Wars film – 12th if we count The Clone Wars – Solo: A Star Wars Story is one of the many prequels to the Original Trilogy. It tells the story of the air-faring smuggler-turned-Rebel ally Han Solo before he met Luke Skywalker in A New Hope. In Solo, we finally find out.