Blog Movies The Flash (The CW)

The Flash Review: A Fun but Flawed Adventure Through Time and Space

If you are a fan of superheroes, time travel, and alternate realities, and call yourself a DC fan, you are most likely interested in watching The Flash, the latest movie adaptation of the DC Comics character. The movie follows Barry Allen, a young forensic scientist who gains the power of super s[…]

The Flash (The CW) TV Series Watch Order

Here are The Flash Filler/Standalone Episodes That You Can Skip!

If you’re looking for a fun, heartwarming superhero show to watch, The Flash is the way to go! It’s also the perfect gateway to the Arrowverse in case you’d like to dip your toes into more DC TV shows. With a total of 171 episodes over the span of eight seasons, this show can be quite an intensive

The Flash (The CW) TV Series Watch Order

How To Watch The Flash? Easy Watch Order Guide

The Flash may be the fastest man alive, but he has caught our eye ever since the Arrowverse show first hit the tv screens on October 7, 2014. Life for scientist Barry Allen completely changed when he gained superhuman speed after the explosion of S.T.A.R. Labs’ particle accelerator. Our scarlet […]