Blogs Movies Star Wars TV

New Star Wars Movies & Shows Releasing Soon: Everything You Need to Know!

A galaxy far, far away is expanding like never before! With a slew of new movies and series on the horizon, the Star Wars universe promises to […]

Blog Movies Star Wars

All 17 Lightsaber Types in Star Wars Canon Explained

In the Star Wars universe, lightsabers are highly prized weapons. When Luke Skywalker first held Anakin’s lightsaber, Obi-Wan Kenobi described it as “an elegant weapon for a more civilized time.” Since then, the lightsaber has become a symbol of Star Wars. The brilliant blues and greens represent[…]

News Star Wars

Sabé’s Role in Star Wars Was More than Just Padmé’s Handmaiden. Here’s Why

Keira Knightley’s Sabé in Star Wars goes way beyond her brief appearance in “The Phantom Menace.” As Padmé Amidala’s handmaid, she plays a crucial role beyond being a body double for the Queen of Naboo. Sabé’s saga extends across various eras within the Star Wars lore and is a different story in […]

Movies News Star Wars

Bad Batch Star Michelle Ang Talks about Season 3, Crosshair, and Live-Action

Star Wars: The Bad Batch is set to return for season 3. With Tech dead and Omega being a prisoner of the Empire, The Bad Batch stands broken. The remaining members have to work with unlikely allies to save Omega and reunite the Bad Batch. The members are set to go on a dangerous quest to save and[…]

Movies Star Wars TV Watch Order

Complete Reading Order Guide for Star Wars Books -Easily Read Star Wars Books

The captivating world of Star Wars has a rich history explored through various novels. The first Star Wars media to be released was the official novelization From The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, which hit shelves in November 1976, a full year before the film’s debut. Following its success […]

Disney+ Movies News Star Wars

Everything You Need to Know about Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku

In the Star Wars saga, the Battle of Jakku reigns supreme among the iconic events that changed the galaxy’s history. The Battle of Jakku was the ultimate showdown between the Empire and the New Republic and ended the tyrannical regime of the former for good. The Empire was brought to its knees fo[…]

Ahsoka Blog Disney+ Star Wars

Ahsoka and the Star Wars Timeline Connection Explained

The Disney+ series Ahsoka has Star Wars fans eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the journey of former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. With Rosario Dawson reprising her role from The Mandalorian, the show will pick up Ahsoka’s story after the Return of the Jedi events. Here is an in-depth look at[…]

Blog Movies Star Wars

Who is Hera Syndulla? The Rebellion’s Best Pilot Explained

Hera Syndulla, the best pilot in the Rebellion, will return in the upcoming Ahsoka TV series on Disney+. This is incredibly exciting for fans who have waited to see Hera return since the finale of Star Wars Rebels, and her presence has significant implications for what direction Ahsoka’s story […]

Blog Disney+ Star Wars TV

Young Jedi Adventures Season 1: Premier (August 2), Plot & More

Young Jedi Adventures is returning with brand-new episodes, Star Wars’ first show set during the High Republic Era. Lucasfilm, Disney+, and Disney Junior announced six new episodes of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures will debut on Disney+ and Disney Junior beginning August 2, 2023. Confirmed via […]

Anime News Star Wars

Star Wars: Visions Vol. 2: Official Trailer, Cast, Studios Revealed!

The animated anthology series Star Wars: Visions will return to screens soon. Its first volume included shorts from various Japanese creators and anime production studios. As the name suggests, every short displayed the world from their unique perspectives. Now the second volume will expand the[…]

Anime News Star Wars Studio Ghibli

Ghibli Animates Star Wars Short ‘Zen – Grogu and Dust Bunnies’

On November 12, the official account of the Star Wars franchise took to Twitter to announce a crossover collaboration between Studio Ghibli and Lucasfilm. The account announced that “Zen – Grogu and Dust Bunnies,” a hand-drawn animated short film is now streaming on Disney+. […]

Anime News Star Wars

Studio Ghibli to Collaborate with Star Wars’ Lucasfilm Soon

Studio Ghibli and Lucasfilm have solidified their name in the film industry as one of the best. Both companies have produced many people’s childhood favorites that they seem to enjoy even as adults. So, when someone comes up with this crazy yet revolutionary idea of bringing these two companies[…]