Anime Blog One Punch Man

One Punch Man Season 3: Latest Updates, Release Window, and More

After a long six-year wait, One Punch Man fans can finally rejoice—Season 3 is officially on its way! The highly anticipated anime is set to return this fall, bringing back Saitama, Genos, and other fan-favorite characters for another action-packed chapter. If you’ve been waiting for updates, here’s everything you need to know about the release date, trailer, teaser image, and what to expect from the upcoming season.

Jujutsu Kaisen My Hero Academia One Piece One Punch Man

Jujutsu Kaisen and One Punch Man Go on an Unexpected Hiatus

Yusuke Murata’s One Punch Man has joined Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia in the list of long-running shonen manga that is going on unexpected breaks. While Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia are set to resume soon, the hiatus for One Punch Man is expected to be longer.

Anime News One Punch Man

Season 3 of ‘One Punch Man’ Teases its Return with an Epic New Promo 

‘One Punch Man’ is one of the most epic Shounen series that has completely changed the trail of the genre. It started a trend of ridiculously overpowered protagonists, but no one can ever compare with the epicness of this series. It is entirely absurd but weirdly engaging, and fans have been parched[…]

Blog Manga One Punch Man

Saitama’s Love Interest from One Punch Man Discussed

Saitama has ungodly powers and unmatched humor without even trying, making him popular in the realm of anime and fandoms. He has got everything he needs and has even broken his “limiter”, perhaps it’s time for him to have a lover as well. A ship has been teased slightly in the OPM manga and in this[…]

Anime Blog Netflix One Punch Man

One Punch Man: A Complete Guide on Where & How to Watch the Anime

One Punch Man is an anime series that follows the story of Saitama, a hero who defeats opponents with a single punch. The Series is known for its humor, action, and next-level animation quality. The anime has an overall light-hearted and comedic tone, which is why fans worldwide love it. So, if you[…]

Blog Crunchyroll Manga One Punch Man

The Final Villain in One Punch Man Unveiled: Is It God?

Saitama is one of the strongest and funniest characters in the world of anime, and his ability to beat enemies without breaking a sweat outshines all others. Because of his ridiculous powers, the show’s writers have introduced us to countless villains, each with unique abilities and str[…]

Anime Blog One Punch Man

Does Genos die in OPM? Who kills him? Does he revive?

Genos, a fan favorite among all of us OPM fanatics, met a tragic end that none of us would have seen coming. Genos is one of those cool-looking anime characters with no haters, and his naivety and passion to become stronger wins hearts. Genos dies in One Punch Man Manga at the hands of Garou, the He[…]

Anime Blog Netflix One Punch Man

Does Saitama lose to God?

The most awaited battle in One Punch Man has yet to occur between Saitama and the enigmatic character God, it’s got fans buzzing to see the outcome. Saitama will not lose to God as he can level up his power without any constraints as he had smashed through his “Limiter” long ago Keep reading to unco[…]

Blogs Manga One Punch Man

Is Saitama God? Did Saitama get his powers from God?

Saitama is probably one of the strongest as well as the funniest characters in the realm of anime, it makes you ponder whether he is the god in the OPM world. Let’s answer them in this article. No, Saitama is not God in OPM, in fact, there’s another character named “God” who is pretty enigmatic and […]

Blogs Manga One Punch Man

Why did God give Garou powers in OPM?

God is the most enigmatic character in One Punch Man. He is a powerful deity, and he has the ability to grant powers to people. His goal is to eradicate mankind, so fans have speculated that perhaps he is the shadow ruler of the Monsters Association. He grants people powers, like in the monster arc.[…]

Anime Blog Manga One Punch Man

How did Garou turn into a monster? Does he become human again?

Garou, the Hero Hunter and the martial artist prodigy that Bang expelled from his dojo has one of the best character arcs in the story. Garou ended up turning into a monster through the process of “Monsterization” and by breaking his “Limiter.” However, he reverted back to being a human after losing[…]

Anime Blog Netflix One Punch Man

Have they finished One Punch Man? When will this end?

One Punch Man is the go-to anime for you if you need a break from your day-to-day tragedies, as it will have you laughing like a clown. This anime has never failed to make me laugh in every episode, and I find myself returning to it even after all these years. I’ve got some good news. One Punch Man […]