Anime Gunjou ni Siren Movies News

Yuri Manga, Gunjou, Inspires Netflix Live-Action Movie, Ride Or Kill

“A smile from you can destroy my whole life,” says Rei after murdering the husband of the woman she loves. Gunjou, the yuri manga carved out of flesh, blood, and bones, will take you on a journey that you can never forget. Gunjou is not a tale about the kind of love that lets two people eat[…]

Gunjou ni Siren Manga News

Gunjou Ni Siren Manga: Last Chapter Releases On 3rd August

Gunjou ni Siren is one of the great works of Mizuki Kawashita, who is popularly known for her titles in the romance genre. The relationship dynamics between the two cousins Shuuji and Sora is a must-read. The plot starts with a misunderstanding between the two but develops beautifully and lets both the characters grow. Gunjou […]