Gen 4 was a game changer for the Legendary and Mythical Pokemon. We have gotten such Pokemon before and after Sinnoh but no one could beat the Sinnoh legendries in terms of historical importance and sheer power.
The Creation Trio of Dialga, Palkia and Gitatina have so far been the strongest legendary monsters in the Pokeverse. And their master, the Mythical God of Pokemon, Arceus is on a whole new level.
Being the creator of the universe, it’s hard to believe any Pokemon could beat this beast in battle. Or so we thought until Gen 8. The Galar Region gave us Eternamax Eternatus with a whopping 1125 stat points. So, who’s stronger, Arceus or Eternatus?
Arceus is stronger than both Eternatus (base form) and Eternamax Eternatus (mega form) even though it only has 720 total stat points compared to latter’s 1125. Since Arceus is the God of Pokemon universe, he’s likely the creator of Eternatus and can defeat Galarian legendary Pokemon with ease.
Arceus is the master of the Creation Trio: Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, all 3 of whom are stronger than Eternatus because they can control and manipulate space, time, and antimatter in the Pokemon world.
It’s evident that Eternamax Eternatus has better stats due to power creeping, however, it cannot defeat Arceus in a 1v1 battle.

Arceus’s Stats: 720
Arceus’s Sats | |
Hit Points | 120 |
Attack | 120 |
Defense | 120 |
Special Attack | 120 |
Special Defence | 120 |
Speed | 120 |
Total | 720 |

Eternatus Eternamax stats: 1125
Eternatus Eternamax’s Sats | |
Hit Points | 255 |
Attack | 115 |
Defense | 250 |
Special Attack | 125 |
Special Defence | 250 |
Speed | 130 |
Total | 1125 |
About Pokémon
Pokémon was first released in 1996 and is set up in a world where humans catch monsters and store them in pocket-sized poke-balls.
They are creatures with an affinity to certain elements and some superhuman abilities related to that element.
Revolving around a teenage boy Ash Ketchum, Pokémon takes us through his journey to becoming the most accomplished Pokémon trainer the world has ever seen.
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