By the Grace of the Gods S2 is an upcoming anime sequel of the slice-of-life isekai, based on the light novel of the same name written by Roy and illustrated by Ririnra. The plot revolves around Ryouma Takebayashi, who dies and gets reincarnated into a magical new world. Using his mastery over slimes, he sets off on a journey to help others.
The second season will continue with Ryouma’s adventures as he manages his second store and meets new people on his journey. His diligence is appreciable and he is not wasting a single minute of his time!
Fans of the series are eagerly looking forward to more of the laid-back but fun-filled, slime-y exploits of Ryouma! Here are the latest updates.
Episode 1 Speculation
Season 1 ended with Eliaria bidding Ryouma farewell and promising to meet in three years. Episode 1 of Season 2 will begin with Ryouma handling and working around his second store. Work will be hectic as Ryouma tries to handle all his jobs but he has people to help him get through.
Ryouma will also be meeting with new people and gods of the world, using more of his technology and magic to improve the lives of others.
The trailer also teases a founding love festival so we will possibly be seeing more of the relationship aspect of his life. Eliaria may be apart from Ryouma but we will also be seeing her throughout the new season while they both keep in touch through letters.
Episode 1 Release Date
Episode 1 of the By the Grace of the Gods S2 anime has been released on Sunday, Jan 08, 2023. The episode title or preview has not been shown.
1. Is episode 1 of By the Grace of the Gods on break this week?
No episode 1 of By the Grace of the Gods S2 is not on a break this week. The episode will be released on the above stated date.
About By the Grace Of the Gods
Adapted from a light novel series by Roy and Ririnra, By The Grace Of The Gods is an anime series produced by Maho film.
Ryouma Takebayashi is a middle-aged man who dies an unfortunate death. Still, in his afterlife, he is pitied by three deities who give him new abilities and reincarnate him into a forest to lead a peaceful life.
Ryouma hunts and gathers and evolves a variety of slimes; however, he soon seeks human contact and sets out on a new adventure with his abilities and his slime menagerie.
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