Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma anime based on the DMM game by the same name, tells the stories of the famous literary Japanese authors who are revived against the evil known as Taint, which runs amok distorting and tainting their original works.
Introducing remarkable Japanese Literary stories with the group authors, who delve into contaminated books to purify them, and giving a new twist to the plot, we are here to provide you with the latest episode updates!
1. Episode 11 Title & Release Date
Episode 11 of the Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma anime, titled “Beyond Love and Hate, “Will be released on Friday, July 24, 2020.
In the next episode, new author Kan Kikuchi will make his entrance along with his story!
I. Is Bungou to Alchemist on a Break This Week?
No, episode 11 of the Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma anime will be released as per its schedule; thus, no such delay is announced. The anime comes out weekly every Friday.
2. Episode 11 Preview & Speculation
The preview for the next Episode 11 was not shown; its title was revealed to be “Beyond Love and Hate,” which will show the story by the same name, written by the author Kan Kikuchi.
The previous episode that ended with a cliff hanger of the reasoning behind the creation of the half Taint Akutagawa will also come to light!
3. Recap of Previous Episode 10
I. Recap Of Previous Episodes
Episode 10, titled “In a Bamboo Grove,” begins with the acting director’s summoning of Akutagawa Ryunosuke. The cat is surprised that Akutagawa’s memories are hazy after reincarnation.
The cat suggests there may have been an error while reincarnating, and he should try to repair it, by encountering the authors who knew him.
He ventures to meet Osamu Dazai, an author who came to prominence after his death in the novel Run, Melos! He continues to describe his adventure with Dazai and feeling the emotions of his books.
In light of the keeping, the half taint Akutagawa imprisoned the other authors were reminded of how grateful they were for him, who kept delved into their stories and saved them from the Taints. This episode is a recap of the previous episodes.
II. Who Is The Real Akutagawa?
They argue about the Akutagawa they knew, and the newly appeared Akutagawa to dissect who is real. Some reason it’s a taint in Akutagawa’s form and not Akutagawa possessed by the Taint, to make a logical explanation behind the presence of two Akutagawas. The authors point out the odd behavior they noticed in the Akutagawa, who was with them in their stories in contrast to his practice form their memories in real life. But they all agree on the fact that Akutagawa was resolute about saving the literary works.
III. The Unknown Existence
They also argue that the Akutagawa, who entranced the readers after his debut but later rejected his style of previous works, could have led to the formations of two personalities.
The reasoning could be the later works were born from the Taint within Akutagawa. But all the authors provide their reasons to believe that the Akutagawa they knew is the real one.
At the world rift where the authors were stuck with the other Akutagawa, they explained that an external force blocked their reincarnations, and only now were they able to come back.
The new Akutagawa now exposes the reason behind the creation of the half Taint Akutagawa.
4. Where to Watch Bungou to Alchemist
Damn! No streaming services found :/
5. About Bungou to Alchemist
Initially, the Japanese literature themed DMM online game known as Bungou to Alchemist, shortly known as BunAru.
Bungou to Alchemist was launched on November 1, 2016, by DMM GAMES as a browser game, expanding to mobile platforms the following year on June 14.
Through the years, the franchise has expanded into novels, stage plays, and even anime. The protagonist is taken to a world where they can meet renowned Japanese writers of the past.
Their task is to delve into tainted books to purify them, with parties composed of writers to fight the Taints, who have corrupted the books.
To gain writers, they must transmigrate them by delving into ensouled books or meeting them while battling Taints in tainted books.
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