Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki’s Upcoming 2 OVA Episodes to Revolve Around Fuka and Minami

Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki falls among the light-hearted slice of life anime that Winter 2021 gifted us with.

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Since the anime has recently aired its final episode, there’s still an undetermined number of days till we get a Season 2.

But don’t get disheartened yet; the franchise will make a comeback soon in the form of OVA episodes.

On Monday, the Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki franchise released a short promo video for its upcoming OVA episodes.

TVアニメ「弱キャラ友崎くん」 WEB予告 特典OVA①「エンディング後のヒロインの衣装は普段とちょっと違ったりする」 特典OVA②「変な呪文の名前にはだいたい知られざる由来がある」
TV anime “Weak character Tomozaki-kun” WEB notice Bonus OVA ① “The costume of the heroine after the ending is a little different from usual” Bonus OVA ② “The name of the strange spell has an unknown origin”

The first OVA episode titled The Post-ending Heroine’s Outfit is A Little Different Than Usual will be released with the third Blu-ray disc release on May 7, and the second one will be released with the fourth Blu-ray disc on 2nd June 2021.

In the short promo, we see Tomozaki and his friends go out for a meal in the restaurant where Fuka Kikuchi works. As we all know, Fuka has a little crush on Tomozaki, but she’s too shy to confront him.

The video’s second half focuses on Minami Nanami, taking us to the day of a Japanese festival where the girls are beautifully dressed in Kimonos and are enjoying themselves.

Thus, it’s pretty clear the two OVA’s will be revolving around Fuka and Minami, respectively.

By the end of Season 1, Tomozaki has learned much about life and how to deal with it. But he still has a long way to go to be on par with Aoi.

It’s still too early to say if the OVAs will affect the main plot much or not, but this will definitely play an important role in increasing the Blu-ray Discs’ sales.

And what can be better than keeping the fans occupied with occasional releases of romantic comedy content till we get the second season?

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About Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki

Low-tier Character Tomozaki-kun is a light novel series by Yuki Yaku. As of April 2023, 10 volumes and two short-story collections have been released.

Tomozaki-kun is a pro-level gamer who thinks that “Life is a bad game.” The powerful have freedom while the weak have to be submissive with no chance to fight for a top position.

He meets Aoi Hinami in high school, who is also the number two player in the game Attack Families and played against Tomozaki. She offers to teach him the hacks of turning life into a good game.


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