We witness Rukia’s Bankai as Byakuya returns in episode 6 of Bleach TYBW Cour 2, titled “The White Haze.”
The episode delivered what we were expecting to see. Rukia fought Äs Nödt and handled him pretty easily. However, as he got tougher to handle, her brother showed up to help her take down the enemy.
After a long wait, Ichigo is finally off to the Soul Society. Jugram showed Ishida the true power of their master and how he balances his power with the help of the soul of the Quincies.
Here are the latest updates.
1. Episode 7 Release Date
Episode 7 of Bleach TYBW Cour 2 will be released on Saturday, August 19, 2023. It is a weekly anime, and each new episode is released on Saturday every week. You can watch Bleach TYBW Cour 2 On Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ Series, and Bilibili Global.
1.1 Is Bleach TYBW Cour 2 on break this week?
No, episode 7 of Bleach TYBW Cour 2 is not on a break this week. The episode will release as per schedule.
2. Episode 7 Speculations
Brace yourself as it is time to meet legend Kenpachi again in episode 7 of Bleach TYBW Cour 2, titled “I am the Edge.”
The villain, Yachiru and Isane, will face is a peculiar one. However, he will just be a pawn controlled by an even crazier villain with one of the most ridiculous power.
We will get to learn more about Yachiru, and it will turn out that she is not just a companion but much more than that. We will see some of the questions around Yachiru and her powers getting solved, and the GOAT himself will appear by the end of the episode.
3. Episode 6 Recap
Ichigo prepares to leave the royal palace. He has to go down numerous steps and will reach Seireitei in a week. Ichibei tells him that the attack on Soul Society has begun three hours ago.
Ichigo jumps off, avoiding the stairs, and rushes down at full speed. He calls Urahara and tells him to hold a bit longer as he will take care of things once he reaches there.
Jugram takes Ishida with him to show the true power of his majesty. He executes Du Cang and BG9 for losing their battles. Jugram tells Ishida that the Sternritter who are killed get absorbed by their master.
Yhwach needs to absorb souls continuously, or something terrible might happen (which is not revealed during their conversation).

Rukia roams around destroyed areas. Suddenly, she feels a strange sensation. Äs Nödt appears before her. He asks her about her brother. He attacks her, and she defends herself, but his fear penetrates her barrier and starts affecting her.
However, she stops his next attack from harming her. He goes into a detailed monologue about his powers and how every living creature fears death. Rukia tells him she is not afraid as she is not alive at the moment.
Her Zanpakuto freezes her body below the freezing point, and all her body functions cease. She gives him a lethal slash and freezes him using the decreasing temperature.

She slowly starts getting her body back to normal temperature. She feels the strange sensation again. We get a small flashback where we see how Äs Nödt was in a condition where even breathing was agonizing for him.
Yhwach came to his help at that time. He says he only fears Yhwach’s anger. He takes up a scary form and starts harming Rukia with his fear getting through her nerves.
She starts losing her mind to this fear. However, someone cuts open the fear barrier and saves her from it. Byakuya Kuchiki is back. Äs Nödt is happy to see him again (can’t say the same for Byakuya).

Äs Nödt fails to put even a scratch on Byakuya. He is shocked to know that Byakuya is only using his Shikai at the moment. He gets frustrated and takes even more giant and uglier form.
Byakuya tells Äs Nödt that Rukia is the one who will put an end to him. Rukia prepares herself and releases her Bankai, Hakka No Togame. Äs Nödt gets turned into ice and breaks down.
Byakuya holds Rukia’s hand and tells her to turn back slowly as it is a dangerous Bankai. They move ahead. At the Squad 4 temporary first-aid station, Isane and Yachiru look after some injured captains when an invisible enemy attacks them.

4. Where to Watch Bleach TYBW Cour 2?
5. About Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War is the final arc of the Bleach franchise. It premiered on October 11, 2022, and its 52 episodes are streamed by Hulu.
The arc deals with Yhwach, the leader of the Quincies, who has declared war on the Soul Society. Ichigo and the Soul Reapers will face this despicable enemy.
Hollows and Soul Society residents are disappearing, and Ichigo needs to defeat Yhwach before he lays waste to the entire universe.
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