Ever since Black Panther 2 has been announced, fans have been guessing who the villain could be for the sequel of the 2018 blockbuster. It turns out the second Black Panther is perfectly suited to introduce two villains, according to a fanart by Apexform. The digital artist has created a picture where Black Panther is fighting Namor, while Dr. Doom is present in the background.
The first Black Panther movie had received positive reactions from both the critics and the fans. The movie had gone on to break many records and won three Academy Awards- a rare feat for a superhero movie.
The cast of the film had also been praised and most of the original cast is returning. However, the story has to be changed significantly to accommodate the untimely death of Chadwick Boseman, who played the film’s protagonist, T’Challa.
Namor’s arrival had been teased for quite some time in the third phase of MCU. He was mentioned in Iron Man 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and most significantly, in Avengers: Endgame, where Okoye reports underwater earthquakes in Africa. It is possible that Namor will appear in full-form in Black Panther 2.
Dr. Doom’s appearance is based more on conjecture. He is a villain mainly associated with the Fantastic Four and a new Fantastic Four movie is supposedly in the works in the MCU. Dr. Doom might be introduced in Black Panther 2 and then can move on to Fantastic Four as Thanos did, first in The Avengers and then in Guardians of the Galaxy.
The fans have to wait till 2022 to see if their predictions actually come true. Black Panther 2 is scheduled to release on July 8th, 2022.
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