In last week’s episode, we see Howard get an update from his private investigator about Jimmy’s whereabouts. Kim gets a career-changing opportunity but is hesitant to take it up because it falls on D-Day. Jimmy manages to get the location of HH&M’s next mediation meeting by having Francesca pretend to be one of their clients’ daughters. Lalo follows up on his lead and gets into an altercation. We bring you the latest updates!
Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 7 Speculation
Jimmy and Kim go out and share a glass of wine together while sitting in front of the HH&M office. The next day, Kim heads out for her meeting. On the way, she gets a phone call from a perturbed Jimmy saying he just ran into the real Casimiro and that he hadn’t shaved off his mustache and was wearing a cast on his arm. He tells her that they should blow off the plan today and plan it for some other day.

Kim tells him that they will go ahead with the plan that very day and turns the car around. What will happen now? Will Kim really give up on the huge career-changing opportunity? Does Lalo end up killing the man after all? Stay tuned to find out.
Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 7 Release Date
Chapter 7 of the Better Call Saul Season 6 series, titled “Plan and Execution”, has been released on Monday, May 23, 2022 at 6:00 pm PDT.
No delays have been announced.
I. Is the series on break?
No, the series is not on break and will proceed as scheduled.
Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 6 Recap
The episode begins with a flashback of Kim when she was younger. She gets caught shoplifting and her mother tells the salesperson that they’re free to call the police but they let it go. She later congratulates Kim for getting away with stealing. In the present, Howard is discussing his day with his wife and gives her a heads up in case she hears something about Jimmy.

He gets an update from the private investigator he hired to follow Jimmy – apparently, Jimmy had recently acquired a large amount of cash. Howard suspects that he’s come into this cash through illegitimate means. Meanwhile, Jimmy and Kim meet with the vet who tells him he’s officially closing up shop. The next day, Kim gets a huge opportunity in the form of a meeting for the Jackson Mercer foundation. While she’s excited about this career-changing opportunity she’s worried about attending the meeting lunch because it’s on D-Day. Jimmy assures her she doesn’t have to be there for it.
Lalo slashes the man he was following with a blade and then hands him his belt so he doesn’t bleed to death. Jimmy gets his assistant Francesca to call Howard’s law firm to find out when their next mediation meeting is for the class action lawsuit. He has Francesca pretend to be the daughter of one of their clients and call them from a burner phone.
About Better Call Saul
Better Call Saul is an American crime drama television series created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. It is a prequel and spin-off to the popular award-winning franchise “Breaking Bad”.
Set in the early to mid-2000s in Albuquerque, New Mexico, ‘Better Call Saul’ follows former conman Jimmy McGill’s journey to becoming a sleazy criminal defense lawyer under the moniker of Saul Goodman.
The series premiered on February 8, 2015 on AMC. The series finale aired on August 15, 2022 after a successful run of six seasons.
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