Among the Spring anime announced for 2020, Fugou Keiji or Balance UNLIMITED is set to run for 11 episodes for its first season.
The superpower of the protagonist is simple — he is Batman (Well, not exact, but he is SUPER RICH!). Let’s take a look at Balance UNLIMITED Episode 3 release date and spoilers.
1. Balance UNLIMITED Episode 3 Release Date
Episode 3 of The Millionaire Detective: Balance UNLIMITED was released on 23 April 2020. The anime runs on a weekly schedule, and we will come out next week as per the schedule.
Watch link is below
In the next episode, we will likely see Kambe Daisuke, a.k.a. The Millionaire Detectce, on yet another case where he solves everything by just “buying everything!”
2. Balance UNLIMITED Episode 3 Preview
The second episode ended with station chief asking Kato to go overseas on a crucial case, to which he agrees.
To his surprise, he is to accompany Kambe on his private jet for the trip.
3. Is Balance UNLIMITED On A Break Next Week?
No, Balance UNLIMITED is not on a break next week, and the episode will come out as per its weekly schedule.
However, a hiatus was announced by the production staff due to the ongoing pandemic. Hence, there won’t be any more episodes after episode 3 until the production is resumed.
4. Watch Balance UNLIMITED Online
5. Balance UNLIMITED Summary
Balanced UNLIMITED is based on Daisuke Kanbe, the child of a tycoon Kikuemon Kanbe who turns into an investigator at the police headquarters.
He settles in different cases utilizing his riches and the most recent innovation to further his potential benefit. Haru Kato, a caring individual, considers all to be as hallowed and is sickened by Daisuke’s everyday lifestyles.
With this, their test will be to quit battling with one another dependent on their thoughts and spotlight on explaining the world’s hardest wrongdoings.
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