The Gundam franchise is a vast one, and it started with the first anime release of Mobile Gundam Suit in 1979. Since then, the franchise has expanded to mix-media production and rolled out anime, movies, net series, and much more at an incredible rate, to the point where arranging them all in order is a […]
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is the sequel to the famous manga/anime series Naruto. It emerged when Shueisha requested Naruto’s author, Masashi Kishimoto, to make a sequel manga to Naruto, but Kishimoto refused and passed on the responsibility to Mikio Ikemoto and Ukyo Kodachi. The Boruto animated series premiered in April 2017. Episode 154 was released […]
Season one of Fire Force aired from July 5th to December 27th, 2019, and left fans craving for more. The devilish smile of Shinra, his fiery capabilities, and the adventures of Company 8 made us interested in the further development of the anime’s plot. Fire Force season two will premiere on July 3rd, and we […]
A3! Act! Addict! Actors!, the mobile game based anime has been gaining a large number of fans since its release. The story consists of a number of handsome and talented youngsters who have to bloom as actors to save the Mankai company from sinking in debt. A3! Season Autumn and Winter is the second season […]
The Summer Anime Season has finally begun! We already provided you with a list of all the Upcoming Summer Anime Releases and we can’t wait for the release of our favorites. This time, we bring to you, the Summer Lineup of Crunchyroll anime. New releases, exclusives, simulcasts and more are waiting for you! New Season […]
A Whisker Away is an anime film that is perfect for cat lovers. Not only will this film provide a huge number of cute cat shots but also portray a touching relation between cats and humans. Watch the trailer here: A Whisker Away also known as Nakitai Watashi wa Neko o Kaburu (Wanting to Cry, […]
Pokemon is a household name that is known across generations. The franchise has rolled out a continuous stream of games and anime which has led to its prosperity. The anime can be divided into 23 seasons overall. With Pokemon Journey: The Series debuting in the USA on 12th June on Netflix, fans are sure to […]
SIU’s Tower of God has been gaining steady attention all over the world. It is also one of the first webtoons to be adapted into an anime series. In an interview with Crunchyroll, SIU vocalized the struggles of being an artist-author, his inspirations, and his surprising childhood. When asked about which comics SIU read while […]
A3! is a mobile game franchise, it is a role-playing game consisting of characters who are actors from an agency named Mankai Company. It was later adapted into an anime series. A3! is short for “Act! Addict! Actors!“. The visual portrays the “Autumn troupe” of the anime: Settsu Banri by Sawashiro Chiharu Hyoudou Juza by […]
Dropkick On My Devil! is a peculiar manga/anime series portraying the daily conflicts of a human witch and an evil deity from hell. However, it is not as serious as it sounds; it belongs to the comedy genre and shows the fun interactions and quarrels among the two. The second season of Dropkick On My […]
The Dr. Stone manga is currently cruising through its Truth of the Petrification saga. After several battles in the Kingdom of Science, it has finally reached the point where science has to go against itself. In order to win, one scientist has to put the other in a checkmate. So who exactly is Senku facing […]
Digimon Adventures(2020) is the new reboot version of the original Digimon Adventures released in 1999. It is the 8th anime series of the franchise and focuses on the same theme of our favorite childhood anime including new updates. The trailers and character introduction of the anime have been out for quite some time, but for […]