Upcoming anime, Deaimon, portrays an unexpected father-child duo. Itsuka abhors her foster parent, Nagumo. To her, he is just someone who runs from his responsibilities. Yet, Nagumo realizes how hyper-independent Itsuka is and wants to help her out. This spring, you can look forward to this[…]
If you are a thriller fan, then the spring 2022 anime season has something to offer for you, namely the Summer Time Rendering anime. The mystery starts with the death of Ushio, which leads Shinpei to return to his hometown. It doesn’t take long for him to realize that it was actually a murder.
Thermae Romae Novae, Netflix’s upcoming bathhouse comedy, will give you the best of the isekai world. The protagonist is an architect from the Roman Empire who gets isekai’d to modern Japan. Well, good for him because he gets the perfect ideas for architecture, and when he goes back to Rome[…]
Want to learn about true nightlife? Who better to learn it from than vampires, the creatures of the night. Summer 2022 anime, Call of the Night, will portray a human, Ko, learning about nightlife from an alluring vampire, Nazuna. Both Nazuna and Ko become fast friends, but things get pretty[…]
Kongming, the greatest tactician of the Three Kingdoms era, finds himself in the middle of the modern world in the upcoming Ya Boy Kongming! anime. Of course, he doesn’t know about smartphones or any other modern gadget, but he didn’t become a renowned strategist just to give up because of this[…]
Chapter 229 of Dr. Stone explained Why-man’s reason for petrifying humankind. After connecting the dots, it’s pretty clear that Senku and Xeno waking up earlier than others was never a coincidence. After petrification, Senku and Xeno were the ones who woke first. While Senku was busy dealing[…]
If you have been wondering about the real meaning behind the continuous “why why why…” scream from the Moon, you aren’t alone. Chapter 229 of Dr. Stone has finally given us exposure to this mystery. Fans have already come up with their own hyper-realistic theories about it, but it turns out[…]
Never could I have suspected that Aoyama’s biggest betrayal was yet to come. Before you start cursing him out, in chapter 343 of My Hero Academia, Aoyama has actually betrayed All For One (and not Deku) in the grandest manner possible. So what if he has wet his pants in the process? Fans are[…]
Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc just ended airing, and everyone can finally let go of their collectively held breaths. Tengen is still alive and so are our adorable protagonists. Thus, the production committee has struck while the iron is still hot and announced that the anime will[…]
Chapter 323 of Black Clover showed Yami returning from death’s door. So, what does he do after opening his eyes? Join back in the fight, of course. Lucifero must be getting tired of the unending stream of peasants he has to fight. Adramelech’s bored-teenager attitude is not helping either.
Pokemon has supplied an endless stream of anime and games in the past couple of decades, and it doesn’t look like the franchise will run out of content anytime soon. In January, Pokemon Company International announced that the franchise would collaborate with contemporary artist Daniel Arsham.
Yuji might have consumed a few of Sukuna’s fingers already, but the King of Curses still has more than enough left. To devour the rest of the fingers, Yuji will return in season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen. The anime’s first season has undoubtedly left many of you longing for more, and I’m here to[…]