When we got our first look at Battlefield 2042, we were blown away by the game’s graphical excellence and grand scale. Cut to release, and reality is very far from our expectations for the title. A host of technical issues made it quickly fall off several charts as players abandoned the game for various reasons.
The delay of the promised seasonal content didn’t help the situation either. It could easily be labeled as one of the most disappointing games of 2021, and fans are now looking to get their money back.
Battlefield 2042 players are asking for complete refunds, similar to those who purchased Cyberpunk 2077. Battlefield 2042 may continue to improve with future updates, but the appeal and the luster of the game is gone for many.
The lead-up to the game is considered false advertising, resulting in a petition to Sony, Microsoft, Steam, DICE, and the Federal Trade Commission to allow refunds to occur on all platforms.
The petition, found on Change.org, states that Battlefield 2042 has cost consumers millions of dollars and has upset hundreds of thousands.
The petition refers to several happenings occurring since launch, such as statements of it being unplayable, drastic bugs that impact in-game experience, refunds made available on Steam, and more. It states that “signing this petition is the equivalent of saying ‘I wish I got a refund on this game.'”

This petition was created by Satoshi Nakamoto, who stated if the petition was to get 50,000 signatures, then one of the best class-action lawyers will take the case up against EA. It should be noted that the lawyer was not named, and no evidence supporting this claim was provided. As of writing this, 27,821 people have signed the petition.
Nakamoto signs off the petition with a simple statement: “The gaming community should not tolerate this kind of abuse and bullying from multi-billion dollar corporations who make unfinished games and false advertisements.”
These types of refund demands don’t usually meet with much success; the case of Cyberpunk 2077 was an almost industry-changing moment. So, it remains to be seen if EA and DICE even acknowledge the petition.

However, the rapid growth of the petition does show that many feel let down with Battlefield 2042. Whether this goes to court or not is a question for the future, but EA and DICE will have to do something about the game to avoid losing fans for the next installment in the franchise.
About Battlefield 2042
Battlefield 2042 is the seventeenth installment in the Battlefield series developed by DICE and published by Electronic Arts. The game is a first-person online multiplayer shooting title. This installment of Battlefield will not feature a single-player campaign mode.
The year is 2042 and the world is in ruins. Natural disasters run rampant, ocean levels have risen, the world economy has collapsed, and the US and Russia are at war. You step into the shoes of a non-patriated soldier – a soldier without a side. The games’ story will be revealed through episodic additions, allowing players to create a future for themselves and other non-pats in a world on the brink of destruction.
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